Youngkin Signals He Won’t Ban Local Vaccine And Mask Coercion Like Strong Conservative Governors – IOTW Report

Youngkin Signals He Won’t Ban Local Vaccine And Mask Coercion Like Strong Conservative Governors

Federalist: Virginia’s governor-elect Glenn Youngkin says he won’t take action to prevent localities in the state from mandating the COVID jab or masks for their constituents.

“Localities are going to have to make decisions the way the law works and that is going to be up to individual decisions but, again, from the governor’s office, you won’t see mandates from me,” he said during an interview over the weekend.

The comments from Youngkin aren’t the first time the Virginia Republican has seemingly shied away from going on offense against vaccine coercion efforts. When twice asked by the moderator during the first gubernatorial debate if he would challenge President Joe Biden’s unconstitutional vaccine mandate in court, Youngkin repeatedly avoided giving a direct answer to the question, instead simply saying, “I don’t believe that President Biden has the authority to dictate to everyone that we have to take the vaccine.” The then-candidate also declined to comment on whether he would encourage Virginia businesses to reject Biden’s vaccine coercion. more

16 Comments on Youngkin Signals He Won’t Ban Local Vaccine And Mask Coercion Like Strong Conservative Governors

  1. Damn, just damn. Turning into a RHINO squish and he has not even been sworn in yet. Youngkin campaigned against mandates! So now I am beholden to the Leftist Democrats that run the county my daughter attends school in…if they will push for shot mandates (I will pull her out).
    Real men have values that don’t change from day to day.
    Real men have principles they believe in and do not change from day to day.
    Real men have a moral “compass” that does not change from day to day.
    Where have all the real men gone? Too many are missing a backbone!

  2. We need a new party. The republicans are shot and they always revert and slide left.

    Been trying to vote our way out of it for decades. At best we get youngkin —- and the party remains under control of Mitch Kevin Lindsey Matt and the chamber of commerce.

    Nothing has changed since the stolen election. Belief that this is going to change in 2022 is long on wishful thinking and heavy doses of hopium.

  3. He has the globalist resume including being a partner at The Carlyle Group and that likely is why he never ran as a Trump republican. When you have a choice between 2 you take the best option but clearly that doesn’t mean you get an ideal candidate.

  4. The trolls are out.

    What Youngkin says is he’s letting localities, where the chief executive is a lot closer to the public, make its own decisions, subject to the will of the public.

    This is federalism, children; what the Constitution uses.

    Commies hate this.

  5. Didn’t we already know this guy was a bit of a squish? Do you really think the second coming of Reagan would win in purplish(leaning blue) Virginia?

    I wanted him to win for 2 reasons;

    1)To put the fear of God into the dems, reminding them that they must govern responsibly and to curb their socialist leanings.

    2)To show the casual voter that if you don’t like what your leaders are doing, vote them out. Take some agency in your own affairs.

    That, and I thought Terry was the ultimate douche-wagon.

  6. My way or the highway. Always having a one-side veiw or outlook on matters can & wll get you in trouble. Sometimes one must look outside the box (it’s his call) & not be considered a traitor to their party.

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