Your CRT Agenda? Don’t Leave Home Without It. – IOTW Report

Your CRT Agenda? Don’t Leave Home Without It.


Years ago, we eliminated two things at Stately Brown Manor. The first was TV. Although in the interest of full disclosure, I do keep a TV in my study and watch about three channels to stay abreast of the news. Our internet provider charges for them anyway, so I thought I would at least give them a try. Outside of the news, I’m unimpressed and frankly a little nauseous over the other offerings.

The second was credit cards. Admittedly, life can be a bit difficult without them, but we muddle by 99% of the time with just one which we keep in case we need to rent a car or catch an emergency flight.

The objections of Dave Ramsey aside (although he does have a point when it comes to credit card interest), one of the reasons we decided to nuke the satellite service and most of the credit cards was because, expenses aside, we wanted as much control as we could get over who gets our money. And whenever possible, we did not want our hard-earned dollars going toward people who consider us well…deplorable. And yeah, that was a thing even ten years ago.

Submitted for your consideration: American Express. it was revealed earlier that the company, long considered the hallmark of a favorable credit score, has allocated around $1 billion dollars for social justice. But for some reason, AmEx doesn’t want to tell anyone what they plan to do. The Free Enterprise Project has filed a shareholder request to see exactly what the company had in mind, specifically in terms of its race-based employee training and to give shareholders a look at the same. MORE

16 Comments on Your CRT Agenda? Don’t Leave Home Without It.

  1. Without going into the particulars of Amex (another corporation buckling under the weight of progressive extortion, who cares?)but I was thinking about this last week; I have transitioned, unwittingly, to going completely cashless. Between my one credit card (Dave Ramsey is dead wrong on this one) and my Venmo card, I am able to conduct all my fiscal transactions without any paper money whatsoever. Not only does this provide a more thorough accounting of my spending habits, but it frees me from unnecessary trips to the bank and pays me for my efforts because I have a “rewards” credit card.

    I also bet that Visa, Discover, and MasterCard also contributes to the CRT/ANITIFA/BLM slush funds, what are ya gonna do?

  2. Long time AmEx honcho Ken Chenault is a classic black racist, just like Obama. He has enjoyed every advantage the US society has had to offer, and his reaction is to got to war with over half its population.

    Anti-white black racists can get away with murder because officially, blacks can’t be racists; so he could literally go out there lobbying for white people to get fucked out of credit, and no government official would do a goddamn motherfucking thing about it.

  3. Short story about the horror of AmEx–my husband died 6 months ago (today) and it has been beyond difficult, so very difficult. Anyway, he (we) had an American Express account for well over 50 years.I called them to cancel it and when I was asked why–I told them that my understanding was they didn’t t like white people or capitalism. I asked for the remainder of the membership fee back. A lot of paperwork later and a copy of his death certificate was sent. I received a letter that said the death certificate was NOT a legal document and had to be notarized. After research by me, it is ILLEGAL to notarize death certificates, birth certificates, or marriage licenses. I tried to tell them but to no avail. So, I took their misspelled piece of paper where I stated that my husband had died and had it notarized (because they were NOT going to beat me). My banker/notary was appalled but I got the money. So yay for me and this is just another example of their stupidity.

  4. My heart ❤️ goes out to you Corky.

    I went through lot of BS when my folk’s passed, with a whole list of ahole companies, it was all unnecessary.

    I’m still trying to get Wells Fargo to stop sending me mortgage garbage with their name’s still attached, and their customer service stinks. Glad I got rid of my account with them years ago.

  5. Anymouse

    A Commander. I’ve been after one for about three years. Not easy to come by in Cali. They’re all off roster. Meaning not approved for sale in Cali. Love it.

  6. people have to learn to fight back. i had my largest saving account with Amex; I read about their anti white program and transferred the bulk of the money out. Left some – they have to send me monthly statements– has to cost them money; Second o have a no fee Amex card- monthly subscription of 8 bucks; they have to mail me monthly statements and i pay via computer they have to lose money. fight back

  7. Most businesses in small areas like ours don’t take Amex. They charge retailers higher rates than other cards.
    We have one cc.
    We taught our kids to stay out of debt. Two of them have had a heck of a time. Landlords now want credit scores to rent. They had none. They also had enough money to get a 1st time house loan but can’t because they have no debt. Now one has a prepaid cc. The other found a guy who rents his lower level of his house so has a nice place.

    Ramsey can go without a cc because he’s rich.

  8. @rich taylor January 20, 2022 at 7:02 pm

    > it frees me from unnecessary trips to the bank and pays me for my efforts because I have a “rewards” credit card.
    > I also bet that Visa, Discover, and MasterCard also contributes to the CRT/ANITIFA/BLM slush funds, what are ya gonna do?

    “Well, it’s good for me-ee.”

    The feeding call of the boomer.

  9. Well, I guess if this is the hill you want to die on you can strip yourself naked, plant yourself in the #2 lane of the nearest freeway and set yourself on fire. That will really show those credit card companies who’s boss.


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