Your dad looks a lot like Kevin Kline, Joe – IOTW Report

Your dad looks a lot like Kevin Kline, Joe

Not an original thought to be found inside old Joe’s head.

14 Comments on Your dad looks a lot like Kevin Kline, Joe

  1. Kevin Kline was absolutely terrific playing Errol Flynn in “The Last of Robin Hood.” If you haven’t seen it, you really should.

    Dementia Joe is absolutely awful playing President* of the United States, but that’s another story.

  2. DementiaJoe obviously never listened to his father, as he has no dignity and no one respects him. Two strikes Joe. One more and you’re outta here! And that’s not a matter of if, but when.

  3. I know the left has beaten the “Chance the Gardener” thing to death over the last forty years, but didn’t that guy get everything he said from watching TV?

    And if the left wants to call Reagan an “amiable dunce”, wouldn’t that make Biden an irritable dunce?

  4. Democrats, along with many other shortcomings, are incapable of feeling embarrassment.
    The entire world is wondering how and why the Americans became so blindingly stupid.


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