“Your day of reckoning is coming.” – IOTW Report

“Your day of reckoning is coming.”

Alabama Senate: Bannon Comes Out Fighting for Roy Moore in Rare Speech.

“For Mitch McConnell and Ward Baker and Karl Rove and Steven Law — all the instruments to try and destroy Judge Moore and his family: Your day of reckoning is coming,” he said.

“More important, for the donors who put up the money, and the corporatists who put up the money: your day of reckoning is coming too,” he added.

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9 Comments on “Your day of reckoning is coming.”

  1. An opportunity to repudiate McCONnell’s failed leadership and elect a Senator not beholden to the elite, RINO, obstructionist agenda.

    I have faith in the Alabama voters not being bought and paid for by the likes of McCONnel and Rove. Go Alabama, don’t step back !

  2. I’m voting for Judge Moore today. I think the MSM is missing the whole point here. Strange was appointed (not elected) to the senate by a corrupt governor in a quid pro quo deal to avoid jail time. The people of Alabama despise this shady deal and want to end it. If it weren’t for that, then Trump’s endorsement would carry the day

  3. We in Alabama will vote for Roy Moore but then all y’all HAVE to do your part. The Demoncrats are salivating to take him down, they smell blood in the water if he wins the nomination. Money will then come pouring into our state from all over the country for Doug Jones.
    You can not equate Doug Jones to the fanboy who ran in Georgia. So we will do our part but then you have to help out the Judge.

  4. “Your day of reckoning is coming,”

    Maybe for Turtle Boy. He might lose his influence and control. But for everyone else that seems like a hollow threat. I like Bannon, but he’s no DJT.

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