Your Every Color – IOTW Report

Your Every Color

This is probably my fav written by Rob Hotchkiss&Pat Monahan.  When I hear it I think of all the conservative ladies I’ve had the privilege to know (even if it’s only on line)…you are all BEAUTIFUL in my eyes.   God Bless You and God Bless America!  


h/t Doc

9 Comments on Your Every Color

  1. An observation about skin color and such things. With a little help from my local friends. I’ll relate this to a very timely new friend I made at the gym today. My conservative thought process. This dude looks buffed, good genetics, good work ethic. Pretty damn funny. He’s got a really good tan.
    Libtard thought process. Bwaaah, he’s black. White people should pay for his membership. I bet the asshole gym owners make him clean the toilets before he works out.
    I’ve seen some pretty salty comments made by so called conservatives, but as a rule I know skin color come after all the rest of the attributes when sizing up, judging, person. I could give a shit less about anything else but being a conservative. Period, end of story.

  2. Back when I was a young guy I had friend that had a better tan than me. For the most part I didn’t notice. One day we were headed someplace for work and were bullshitting about something and he said my problem was that I was white. I responded with WTF, you Indians are lucky the Chinese didn’t beat us here. He said “I’m not a goddam Indian, I’m Mexican!”. That’s when the fight broke out.

  3. Actually neither one of us got our ass kicked, but believe it or not we were better friends afterward. That was almost 40 years ago, I have no idea what he’s doing now. Sometimes just clearing the air is the right thing to do.


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