You’re doing it wrong – IOTW Report

You’re doing it wrong


Two workers at an unlicensed Pennsylvania recovery home for drug addicts died on the same night from overdosing on a lethal mix of heroin and fentanyl.

Their bodies were found passed out at the Freedom Ridge Recovery Lodge in their private rooms, which were littered with used needles and little bags of heroin.

Chester County District Attorney Tom Hogan told NBC News:

“They were found by the other residents. They came over to get their programming and medications and found the bodies.”  



11 Comments on You’re doing it wrong

  1. ahhhh, the good old days when heroin was actually heroin.
    They still over dosed and died, but it was with the good stuff.

    Waste of many lives. Their families pay the price.

  2. Would it have been better if they had died at a licensed recovery home?

    These were the guys taking care of the dope-addicts?

    Something sad about this …

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. When I was stationed at NAS Miramar back in the 70’s the Naval drug Rehab center was also there on base. Believe me, even then there were was more dope and corruption there than anywhere else in San Diego, a real good childhood friend of mine was unfortunately a doper when the Navy gave him a less than honorable discharge for using drugs. He was one of the smartest guys I ever knew and was in the Navy nuclear program until they kicked him out. The one time we had a heroin overdose on board the Kitty Hawk while we were overseas was when a sailor was found dead on the floor of the head after od’ing on smack. Capt. Kirksey turned the ship upside down after that and issued a 24 hr. ultimatum that if anyone had any drugs of any kind to turn them in or else and he meant it. I have no use for heroin or any other opiods having almost lost a son to a drug overdose ten years ago, he was scared shitless but is doing well after rehab and having a faithful girlfriend and now wife when she stood by him during that time.

  4. One of my Dad’s older brothers was severely burned in a crash of a PBY flying boat in the S. Pacific in World War 2 and became addicted to morphine to ease the pain of his burns. He recovered eventually but never was the same after that. I understand the need for the pain killing properties morphine and other opioids have but they are also extremely addictive and need to be used with proper medical treatment.

  5. All counselors were drug addicts. The rehab industry full employment at the taxpayer’s expense. First SSI for the addicts, then taxpayer paid rehab, then the addict gets employment as a counselor until relapse and go back on SSI…

  6. wanna solve the drug od problem? (no … no one really does) make the NFL open up their stadiums (hell, most of them are built w/ public money & the franchises pay no tax anyway), once or twice a month (they only use them 8 times a year anyway … excepting playoffs)give druggies free-rein of the fields, give ’em all the free shit they want, smoke up, toke up, shoot up ’till yer brain explodes …. sell tickets, (think of the concessions! jersey, t-shirts, memorabilia!) go pay-per-view, lay odds & bet on who takes the next dirt nap to pay for the free drugs & a mass burial in bulldozed hole in the median strip of the Interstate … problem solved … taxpayers get a break

    hey, free-will & all that …. think about it Libertarians … put your money where your mouths are

    sorry, but no one can save you from yourself … patience is worn out; I’m done

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