You’re Fired! Trump Fires AG for ‘Betrayal’ – IOTW Report

You’re Fired! Trump Fires AG for ‘Betrayal’

Breitbart: President Donald Trump fired acting Attorney General Sally Yates, after she refused to defend his executive order to restrict immigration and refugees from six high-risk countries in the Middle East.

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer issued a statement saying that Yates, an Obama administration appointee, had “betrayed the Department of Justice” by refusing to enforce Trump’s order.  MORE

h/t Muckraker

35 Comments on You’re Fired! Trump Fires AG for ‘Betrayal’

  1. The Progs keep saying: “Trump is doing these things like he doesn’t care what the public thinks.”

    The have yet to figure out the public already knows what he is going to do, he said in front of hundreds of thousands at rallies and in front of millions at the debates what he was going to do.
    The people who put him in office know full well what he said, him doing it is sweeter than a Progs tear. Yes, you’re right fools, he doesn’t owe you Progs a damn thing and it’s driving you insane.

  2. Poor, poor liberals. They had no problem when obama did executive orders but when Trump does the same……the shit hits the fan.
    Hey liberals, suck it up, your hypocrisy is embarrassing, your blindness is revealing and your ignorance is enlightening.
    As a side note; Larry the Liberal… shit.

  3. Another self-deluded Leftist commits career suicide.
    I hope her termination is handled so that she forfeits her pension, all security clearances are revoked, and she winds up on the Federal Do Not Hire list.

    Good move from Trump.
    The speed and finality of her firing must have Leftist heads spinning.

    Next up, that Secret Service SAIC in Denver needs to have the Hatch Act bitch slap her right between the eyes.
    Make these people:
    serving serious prison time, and
    unemployable and long forgotten Felons when they finally complete their Federal

    Thank you Mr. President.


  4. Yea Baby! Pretending AG, now pretending Chief Immigration and Customs enforcement. Just gettin warmed up…20% of FED workforce is big, this is only the beginning. Heads will roll!

  5. There is no way Larry is real. A real lib isn’t afraid of the word pussy, he would probably throw in some F bombs just to try and sound masculine. Check out the earlier video from Seattle, that gal knew the F word.

  6. It’s too bad these people are letting their slavish devotion to discredited ideology cloud their judgement and sacrificing their potential for any good in the world.

  7. It is a big help to the nation for the ones who need to be axed to turn the spot light on themselves.

    It will get harder in the future after they learn to keep their trap shut, so they can continue to sabotage the needed changes quietly from within the system.

  8. I seem to remember Trump saying that he wanted drug testing during the debates. So he might just implement that within the executive branch for all whom he has to work with. That’ll be interesting to see.

  9. “It’s too bad these people are letting their slavish devotion to discredited ideology cloud their judgement and sacrificing their potential for any good in the world.”

    Actually, that’s their main problem. They care to much for the world and not enough for America. As a matter of fact most of them love every shit hole on the planet, but hate America.

  10. Is it Professional ‘InTellusGents’ agents masquerading as Professional JournoListas


    Is it Professional JournoListas ACTing as Professional ‘InTellusGents’ agents

    Quandary Quandra

  11. I am certain there are a few treasonous crimes that she should have been charged with on her way out the door. She got a lucky break, and should be grateful, for now. But, we all know that she will have to get her glory moments in the news to fully portray the “victim-hood” she has suffered under the heavy hand of “The Oppressor.” Get Real. Let the treason trials begin for the entire bunch of Commies. Who brought the rope.

  12. Betrayed is the wrong reason she was fired. She did not uphold the oath of her office. Failed in her duties, grievously.

    Law and order has reared its LOVELY head, and Lady Justice is PISSED OFF, after eight terroristc years of, ‘if you disagree with a law, ignore it’. Remember those instructions Holder gave to the gathering of judges when he was first in office?

    Have you noticed, descriptions are back in the releases of crimes prepertrated? Instead of ‘someone/person/place/thing robbed the bank’ we have a white, (well that was always allowed, but don’t want to list all of the possibilities) male etc. I love it. Destroys the myth of certain races not commiting crimes in proportion to arrests.

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