‘You’re Not A Journalist, You’re An Activist’: Jenna Ellis Fires Back At Brian Stelter Over Trump CNN Threat – IOTW Report

‘You’re Not A Journalist, You’re An Activist’: Jenna Ellis Fires Back At Brian Stelter Over Trump CNN Threat

Daily Caller -Campaign legal advisor Jenna Ellis got into a heated discussion Sunday with CNN host Brian Stelter over President Donald Trump’s demand for a retraction from the network.

Ellis joined Stelter on “Reliable Sources” to talk about Trump’s comments about media and the letter his campaign sent to CNN demanding a retraction over a recent poll.

Citing the fact that not all of the respondents to the poll were registered voters, Ellis referred to it as “junk.” CNN had defended the poll, arguing that all of those who responded to the question about a head-to-head matchup between Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden were registered voters. read more

16 Comments on ‘You’re Not A Journalist, You’re An Activist’: Jenna Ellis Fires Back At Brian Stelter Over Trump CNN Threat

  1. I’d argue that Stelter not only isn’t a journalist, he isn’t an activist, either. He’s a character actor playing an activist. And because in real life he’s an asshole, he’s the perfect choice to play an asshole on TV.

  2. It amazes me how someone so un-telegenic and unattractive and untalented landed such a lucrative gig at CNN. A person of his talents would seem more at home working for the fast food industry.

  3. “You understand that, like, some day you’re going to regret this, right? Some day you’re going to regret this, when your kids and your grandkids look back at this time…”


    “Grandpa, why did you name daddy Story Moon?”

    “You have to understand, little Che. A man named Trump was President.”

  4. 30years of liberal Presidents. Forgot how conservatives act! “I paid for this mike!”!

    I will vote Don again! Had more than enough progressive Presidents!~$%^

  5. Gorsuch just sided with the liberals in supreme court case making it illegal to discriminate against trannies and other mental disturbances. He even wrote the majority opinion.

    I called this when Gorsuch was nominated and most conseratives were cheering this scumbag.
    Gorsuch was a member of a church at the time that preached global warming and acceptance of the queer stuff. Conservatives do not go to churches that preach that bullshit. And now here we are a couple of years later, with yet another ‘conservative’ on the supreme court that votes with the liberals in ‘landmark’ cases.

    Until conservatives wake up, nothing at all will ever change.

  6. According to some accounts by historians, Lincoln refused to stump for his presidential campaign, telling his campaign staff to just take his speeches and repeat what he already wrote and told people. He did this because the American press took everything he said and twisted it with lies.

    Needless to say, he and his party led the right people to prevail in the Civil War to follow, and he successfully re-united a war-torn country.

    I believe the new Republican party and Lincoln understood very well the sentiments of those who supported him — in the same way POTUS Trump understands this.

    The Left is completely unhinged and desperate, and will stop at nothing to topple Trump’s populist movement.

    I haven’t read anything about it yet, but I wonder what they think of 800,000 people wanting tickets for his Tulsa rally. (That number has probably topped a million by this morning)

  7. I know the primary focus of the story was Brian, but lost in the chatter are the poll details. I have heard reports that they seriously oversampled Dems to Repubs, and it was registered voters, not likely voters. That doesn’t mean it is accurate, but it does cast considerable doubt on the results.

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