“You’re not my new neighbor. Go f— yourself,” the producer responded.  – IOTW Report

“You’re not my new neighbor. Go f— yourself,” the producer responded. 

California elite enraged after squatters invade $5M home in LeBron James, Jennifer Lopez’s luxury neighborhood.

FOX: Wealthy Californians in a neighborhood on the outskirts of Beverly Hills are reportedly enraged after a $5 million home was invaded by squatters and became a source of rowdy parties. 

Beverly Grove is home to the elite of the elite in California. A-list celebrities such as Jennifer Lopez and LeBron James, entrepreneurs, hedge-fund investors, heiresses, and studio executives own homes in the quiet cul-de-sac. That was until squatters invaded in October and locals started complaining about them allegedly throwing “wild parties” with “cocaine and orgies.” 

The neighbors are getting fed up, including reportedly James, according to a report in New York Magazine’s Curbedmore

26 Comments on “You’re not my new neighbor. Go f— yourself,” the producer responded. 

  1. Our own dearly departed JCLady once complained to me about the pro baller trash infesting her neighborhood with their excessive, loud, obnoxious partying and the criminal hangers-on that came with it. She would have gotten a kick out of King James the Tard and his butt-hurt. I’ll enjoy some schadenfreud for you JCLady.

  2. Tough shit you Comiforlqnds.
    You voted these liberal communist dickheads in office so you can now live with the expense you voted in. If you were TRUE Demoncrats, you would turn over your property and bank accounts to give these fvckers all you have. If you don’t, your just a hypocrite and care nothing for the trash that is comming into our country.

  3. A democRAT paradise!
    democRATz aided, abetted and enabled Illegals, bums and squatters. If anyone thinks they’re about to come to the aid of real citizens you are very mistaken! Aaaaaaaaaaaaannd what do they get for all the high taxes?
    Crooked politicians feeding from the endless trough
    Police out of a job
    Endless crises
    Squatters stealing homes
    Much higher murder rates
    High crime rates
    Tents on the street
    Diseases that were long gone
    Shit on the sidewalks
    Rats in the sewers
    Rock and Roll left, but the sex and drugs are doing fine

    Not a good value by any stretch of the imagination!!

  4. These rich leftist elitists were all for this kind of thing when they thought it would/ could never happen to them.
    Welcome to the America you professional pretender fools helped make.

  5. (HollyWierd elites): “Oh boo hoo, our hands are tied, we can’t do anything to get rid of these squatters”
    Serves ya right, ya bunch’a DildoCrat LibTard useless parasites. Enjoy having yer equally useless parasite cousins living next door for awhile.
    But if ya REALLY want to get rid of the squatters, and pronto, make friends with a biker gang to go and harass the squatters 24/7 until they decide to leave. Then pay off the bikers, everyone’s happy.
    You could decide to “sack up” and do it yerself.
    One person with a rifle.
    Random times, random locations.
    Shoot & scoot.
    Don’t get caught.
    And if ya happen to hit a squatter, so what?
    The police get called to investigate.
    The squatters don’t like the attention.
    Lather, rinse, repeat as necessary until the squatters leave.

    That is all. Out.

  6. “locals started complaining about them allegedly throwing “wild parties” with “cocaine and orgies.””

    They were pissed because they weren’t invited.


    Hopefully the zombie rat bastards will have THEIR homes invaded and their heads torn off.

    They are all equally worthless.

  8. What until squads of muslim terrorists whom their Fuhrer Biden has let across the border come in to their exclusive enclave to rape and murder. They ain’t seen nothing yet. A Must read regarding this is Kurt Schlichter’s book, The Attack.

  9. Always, always invite the neighbors if you’re gonna have a wild one. If it’s a little dinner party no biggie but if the coke and whiskey, meth and everclear and those barely legal strawberries are coming out, invite the neighbors. Mostly they won’t come but they’ll be more understanding and whom knows, you might make a new friend!

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