“You’re right to be afraid of us” says a US Representative – IOTW Report

“You’re right to be afraid of us” says a US Representative

Patriot Retort: On what planet does it seem appropriate for a member of the House of Representatives to tell a teenage boy, “You’re right to be afraid of us?”

Especially when said teenage boy said nothing about being afraid?

No matter how you dress them up, Democrats always tilt toward tyranny.

It’s their factory default setting.

Why would anyone who sought to be a US Representative take glee in the idea of American citizens being afraid of her?

Jesse Kelly is right.

All Democrats have to do is not be insane. And they simply cannot do it.

It’s “representation” Congresswoman Fear-Me, not “intimidation.”

Her comrade Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez speaks the same way. Have you noticed?

It really is an odd phenomenon this desire to instill fear coming from elected Representatives in a Constitutional Republic.  more here

19 Comments on “You’re right to be afraid of us” says a US Representative

  1. I think we need a PURGE just like that TV show that I’ve never watched, but it sounds like a good idea for 24 hours to take out everyone that pisses you off with out retribution! And since we have more fire power than those commie bitches, it shouldn’t take long.

  2. You should look her up in Wikipedia. She suffers from clinical depression and tried killing herself in 1991. So she’s correct a person should be afraid of her. She could snap again any time.

  3. yet another leftist feminazi that blames “The Boys Club” for any discomfort she ‘feels’ in her cushy, undeserved ‘job’.
    Maybe it’s your graceless, entitled, unmannerly approach that puts people off, and not just those that disagree with you?

  4. These despicable ladies and the rest of Congress needs to be reminded that they work for the American people and could be removed with the next vote (if people really paid attention)

  5. Who’d have ever thought the fascist movement in the nation would be led by the ‘gentler’ sex.

    All of these leftist psycho women would make great concentration camp guards.


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