You’re Scaring the Children Global Warmist – IOTW Report

You’re Scaring the Children Global Warmist

I remember when growing up we were constantly barraged with reports of the pending nuclear war that was going to incinerate the world because we and the Russians couldn’t get along.

Now it’s climate change that the children are being inundated with and it’s having an effect on them emotionally.

Read about it here


28 Comments on You’re Scaring the Children Global Warmist

  1. “While the Alberta floods haven’t been directly linked to climate change, destructive weather events are expected to increase in Canada in the future.”

    And that’s it in a nutshell. Even though there is no actual connection, the damned warmist idiots grasp at every weather event, of which there are hundreds every year and have been throughout all of history, and could not care less what they do to anyone else. I despise them.

  2. I was raised by progtard parents, and the day I figured out that they were completely full of shit was the day my chronic, debilitating depression ended. Progtards are assholes, especially to children. They tell you the World is ending soon. They go out of their way to make sure you can’t do anything conventional like the Boy Scouts or Little League or hunting. They do like sticking you in a corner while they and their degenerate friends get drunk and high and then they smack you around if you’ve got “selfish” needs like wanting to eat a normal meal or going to the fucking bathroom.

    Progtards flat out should not only not be allowed to have kids. They shouldn’t be around any kids… ever.

  3. The Progressive Agenda is to make kids afraid of guns, Global Warming, fast cars, circuses, eating meat, wearing fur, and saying “Merry Christmas” 👿

  4. Hey kids ! ….. wanna know something really scary…. ask your teacher about who is going to pay the national debt and how much of it is your share once you graduate high school and start working.

  5. Not to worry, children. When the United Nations bans all internal combustion engines, the only issue will be camel farts…made worse by Moslems on date nights. 😮

  6. Late comment… but I actually hated this article because the ‘remedy’ suggested by the psychology nuts is not to stop scaring the shit out of children, but to ’empower’ them by having them DO SOMETHING about stopping climate change so that they don’t feel helpless. What a crock! THE WORLD IS GOING TO END IN FIRE AND FAMINE AND OTHER CATASTROPHIES, but Johnny and Suzie you can feel better by starting a recycle drive in your hometown!

  7. But will ducking and covering and hiding under their seat save them anymore that it would’ve the children of the late 50’s and early 60’s from nuclear annihiliation. New day, same old shit with a new disguise. Good grief, nothing’s changed with these Chicken Little’s in over 50 years. The sky is not falling and globull warming is BS!

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