You’re Welcome, Madam Macron – IOTW Report

You’re Welcome, Madam Macron

CFP: When Brigette Macron returned home after a Washington, D.C. trip that included a State Dinner, she showed no gratitude no grace, no diplomacy and no class.

Like the giddy teen who told every detail what really went down at her best friend’s pyjama party, Madam Macron told the world that first lady Melania Trump is “constrained in the White House where she “cannot even open a window”.

“She can’t even open a window at the White House. She can’t go outside. She’s much more constrained than I am. I go out every day in Paris,” France’s first lady said. (Fox News, April, 28, 2018)

We cannot blame the wife of French president Emmanuel Macron, who comes on as lovey-dovey with world leaders when it suits him for the disingenuous Fox headline, ‘Brigette Macron says First Lady Melania Trump ‘cannot do anything.’

We can blame Fox for resorting to the type of clickbait headlines in wide use by news outlets like CNN and MNSBC, and that’s exactly what hundreds of commenters on the story did.

Unlike Melania Trump, Mrs. Macron who sees herself as Emmanuel Macron’s wife and not the president’s wife gets to go out in Paris every day.

The one thing France’s first lady doesn’t do is follow the mainstream and social medias ‘I-Hate-Trump’ fanfare.

Melania Trump isn’t “constrained”, Madam Macron, she’s under constant threat by the hatred inspired progressive-left some of whom openly wish for the deaths of President Trump, his family and supporters.  more

36 Comments on You’re Welcome, Madam Macron

  1. Mrs Macron can go out because without her wigs, special make up and Spanx she’s a 64 year old woman that no one would suspect is the wife of the president.

  2. Typical French attitude, snotty and aloof. The smug and self satisfied wench sees herself as one who was born to a superior culture while loudly braking wind at the state dinner.

  3. Melania is a treasured national icon in the most powerful Country in the world and requires the special protections. Brigette Macron is only the French president’s wife.

    How many muzzie no-go zones in and around Paris has she toured recently?

  4. Ah, non. Les fenetres sont fermes au cause du climatisation, Chere Madame! C’est quelque chose qui N’EXISTE PAS dans ton pays! Et, c’est pourquoi tes citoyens sont morts pendant les temps chaudes. Ah, La Belle France! Pas de climatisation, pas de glacons, pas de seche-linges! Mais beacoup de merde! Partout!

  5. Did anyone see the photo of her when they were planting that tree? She stood aside with her feet spread so far apart, it looked like she was about to drop a Volkswagen Beetle out of her dress.

  6. Oh, MAN! Don’t get me started on Brigitte! Did she speak French or English to Melania? Can she speak Italian and German too? Probably not German, at least, because we SAVED THEIR BUTTS way back when. I know she can’t speak Slovenian and Czech, but she wasn’t born there. So there’s that. But, SHEESH! Can she put on some Big Girl clothes, fer cryin’ out loud? I want Fur to photoshop her with a big pink bow on her head and holding a great big lollipop while wearing one of those thigh-high Twiggy-style dresses. Aargh!

    ps Translation of my other comment: The windows are shut because, unlike FRANCE, we have air-conditioning over here. That’s why your folks all died when the weather got hot. No air conditioning, no ice cubes, no clothes dryers. But a lot of…well…you know!

  7. C’est dommage que Mme macron est un dire tout, mais c’est à prévoir, je pense. Je pense qu’elle est assez précaire en elle-même; elle sait qu’il y a quelque chose de mal à épouser un de vos élèves.

    Et elle devrait mieux prendre soin de sa santé osseuse parce qu’elle commence à s’abaisser!

  8. Abigail!!!!Formidable! Oui! Mais M. Fur ne veut pas que l’on detourner les “threads” ici. Comment ca dire? Chaines? Alors, il faut que nous nous rassemblons un jour! Toi et moi!Comment faire?

  9. BCattin–sorry! Fur said not to hijack the threads! So I’ll stop now.

    Oh, but One More Thing…

    AA: J’ai envoye a Fur un email avec mon nom et numero et je lui a demander de l’envoyer a toi. Peut-etre….

  10. “AA: J’ai envoye a Fur un email avec mon nom et numero et je lui a demander de l’envoyer a toi. Peut-etre”

    I hope you told him in English. No matter, I’ll translate. L’ol. 😀

  11. “She’s much more constrained than I am. I go out every day in Paris,” France’s first lady said.

    The Frogs still don’t have indoor plumbing over there?!

  12. Merry Mouse — Je ne veux pas détourner le fil! J’ai juste pensé que votre écriture d’un commentaire en français était cool. 🙂

    Quelques-uns d’entre nous se sont réunis sur l’e-mail en dehors IOTW. Je serai heureux de partager mon adresse e-mail avec vous. Je si vous envoyez le mauvais Brad à son entreprise–lui demander l’adresse. Il peut te mettre en contact avec moi.

    C’est quoi, ces chaînes? Peut-être ma mauvaise traduction? Lol!

    You can get my email through Fur, too. I’ll write him to give him the official okey-dokey.


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