YouTube Apologizes For Removing Video Showing Planned Parenthood Aiding Sex Trafficking – IOTW Report

YouTube Apologizes For Removing Video Showing Planned Parenthood Aiding Sex Trafficking

Daily Caller: Over the weekend, YouTube removed one of Live Action’s videos under the premise that the video “violates the community guidelines.” Though Live Action appealed the decision, YouTube rejected their appeal Sunday.

It was not until Monday afternoon that YouTube apologized to Live Action in a tweet, claiming that the censorship was a mistake.

The video in question documents a man posing as a pimp (and a woman posing as a prostitute) who visit a Planned Parenthood facility and ask whether Planned Parenthood reports minors who come in to request abortions.

The official in the video claims that women older than fifteen who come into the facility always go unreported – as long as they say the father is fifteen or older. “Fourteen and under, we do have to report,” she tells him.

When the pimp questions the official what to do if the girls are fourteen or under, the official tells him, “You never heard this from me,” and offers a piece of paper showing where girls under fourteen can get abortions.

“Just play along that they are students,” the official says. “We want to make it look as legitimate as possible.”

The video includes footage of the official warning the pimp that “additional information” regarding the patient’s sexual encounters could cause Planned Parenthood to have to report the abortion. She also offers advice on how the girls can continue to make money in the weeks after their abortions when they cannot continue to be sexually active.



6 Comments on YouTube Apologizes For Removing Video Showing Planned Parenthood Aiding Sex Trafficking

  1. Forget abortions for a minute.
    This crunt is saying PP is OK with child sex trafficking and are breaking laws themselves! She didn’t even blink! They are not interested in protecting female children from the womb to age 18. That is so anti-woman. It’s so islamic.

  2. I have NEVER witnessed a prog make a sincere apology EVER. I don’t think they have it in them. These are “canned responses” that are about as predictable as they are inane and only resonate with individuals of sub-par intellect. As for leftists claiming they resonate w/them, see and apply the above and then for those outliers among progs who do have sufficient mental faculties who still claim to be moved by the words they heard, that claim lacks any familiarity with sincerity as well.

  3. @ MJA JANUARY 15, 2019 AT 1:02 PM

    “This crunt is saying PP is OK with…”

    Yep, not only OK with…, they are actively working to enable such. Progressivism, from it’s inception, has been totally invested in increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death. It’s adherents fall into two camps, the idiot follower who is too damn stupid to know any better and the evil/wicked. All of the leaders fall into the latter camp.


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