YouTube ‘Parenting Advice’ Star Arrested after Starving Child with Duct Tape on Wounds Escapes From Home – IOTW Report

YouTube ‘Parenting Advice’ Star Arrested after Starving Child with Duct Tape on Wounds Escapes From Home

Gateway Pundit: YouTube “parenting advice” star Ruby Franke was arrested after an emaciated and abused child with duct tape on the extremities escaped her home and ran to a neighbor for help. The child had duct tape and open wounds.

11 Comments on YouTube ‘Parenting Advice’ Star Arrested after Starving Child with Duct Tape on Wounds Escapes From Home

  1. Here’s a hint folks. The local champion of giving unsolicited parenting advice son is a drug addicted piece of shit whose mother has an excuse at the ready every time the fucking bastard shits on another person.

  2. I remember back to the days of pieces of shit quoting each and every shitbag that came on Phil Donahue giving parenting advice and thinking to myself…. Who the hell could be so Goddamn naive and or stupid as to buy into that shit. Here’s a clue. A dumb fucking See You Next Tuesday with a “college education,” married to a professional, with nothing better to do than sitting on her worthless ass watching television all day.

  3. Prison friends read the news for these type of people and it won’t take long once they lock him up. Sometimes suicide is just the best option until you wake up and hell.
    Don’t drop the soap.

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