YouTube shooter is Iranian vegan activist named Nasim Aghdam, had railed against company – IOTW Report

YouTube shooter is Iranian vegan activist named Nasim Aghdam, had railed against company

Jihad Watch: Nasim Aghdam may have been Bahai, or at least admired some aspects of the Bahai faith (although she seems to have missed its nonviolent teachings); at the bottom of this page she has a photo of herself over which are superimposed quotes from Bahai sources. That page also makes her animus against YouTube clear, as you can see from the screenshot of that page below the video. YouTube was apparently deleting and demonetizing some of her videos, and she was angry. Her response to YouTube’s action was one she imbibed from a culture that glorifies hatred and violence — and persecutes Bahais.

So this is not a jihad attack, but it appears to be a result of growing up in an environment that celebrates violence as a response to perceived injustice. YouTube censorship is a reality. Conservatives complain about it, but don’t kill anyone over it.  more here

29 Comments on YouTube shooter is Iranian vegan activist named Nasim Aghdam, had railed against company

  1. I’m calling for a ban on women, vegans and anyone who’s ever been seen, eating salad. Who’s with me? Oh, and close the salad bar loophole while we’re at it.

  2. From what little I know about Bahai it is ALL about peace. So I guess she wasn’t very good at it.

    More importantly, her father had reported her missing and she was interviewed by cops in the early morning before her rampage. When the cops called her father and told him she had been found and where, he warned them about her hatred of YouTube and that she might do something. They said they ‘would keep an eye on her.’ Apparently not.

  3. YouTumor cracks down on the right, and we complain through the proper channels. YouTumor throttles a leftist, and she turns into a killer. We’ll see which method gets results.

  4. Well, I would have liked to hear her views on gun control as they pertain to meat-eating, white, capitalist male pigs. But now it’s too late. Excuse me while I flip my bacon.


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