YouTuber Arrested For Deliberately Derailing Trains for Views (VIDEO) – IOTW Report

YouTuber Arrested For Deliberately Derailing Trains for Views (VIDEO)

A teenage YouTuber has been arrested after allegedly derailing trains in Nebraska to gain views on his YouTube channel.

The New York Post has reported a 17-year-old Nebraska teenager has been charged with two felony counts of criminal mischief after allegedly derailing trains and filming them.

On April 21, the 17-year-old uploaded a video titled “MOST INSANE VIDEO I’VE EVER TAKEN!” that featured a train in Bennet, Nebraska, being derailed. more

22 Comments on YouTuber Arrested For Deliberately Derailing Trains for Views (VIDEO)

  1. So his parents will probably say ” Oh he’s a good boy , he goes to church every Sunday and sings in the choir, he’s an honor roll student and getting ready to graduate” and so on and so on . Take the phones away from ALL the dumb teenagers until they grow into responsible adults at 30 years old

  2. I just said this here a few weeks ago: We don’t have a society — as one would normally think of one — anymore. We have “content”. This train derailment for “likes”, “views”, and “subsribe(s)” on social media results in monetizing content and providing side hustle incomes. People are doing all sorts of terrible things to cash in on bored “followers”.

  3. When I was in HS, across the street from where I lived were two young hellions, brothers about 5 and 6. Their father just couldn’t control them. I can remember their father just wailing on them right out in the front yard, they would just laugh at him and go right back to whatever they were doing. After I got out of school and went in the military I heard from my dad that the two of them, now 11 and 12, had derailed a train right up the road, and the FBI had caught them. Their father had to pay a boatload of restitution. The last I heard of the two boys they were volunteer firemen in town.

  4. Sounds like someone needs the “Perils of Pauline” treatment. Just put a small section of his body on the tracks each time. Maybe work your way up from his feet, etc.

  5. The connection between consequences and risky, dangerous behavior are erased with social media. Although, when things go wrong, circumstances makes that connection very real.

    Young idiots don’t realize the stakes are high. If something horrible occurs most aren’t prepared to pay the price for committing a possible crime while getting “content”.
    Also, the demand to make dangerous social media content is addictive as designed. Too many young people fall into the trap.


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