“You’ve bought yourself a one-way ticket to hell. Nonstop. No connections.” – IOTW Report

“You’ve bought yourself a one-way ticket to hell. Nonstop. No connections.”

What got Nancy Mace so pissed off?
This: https://x.com/RepNancyMace/status/1889718060501569608

—-Not safe for work

24 Comments on “You’ve bought yourself a one-way ticket to hell. Nonstop. No connections.”

  1. Take the time to watch and hear what she says – the horrors inflicted on others that she witnessed and those that happened to her. She says she has the proof. If what she says it true then I hope she has the strength and support of others in Congress to do something. This could be another wrinkle in the evil fabric that runs throughout our federal, state and local governments.

  2. This woman resonates with me because she is one of only a handful, brave enough to connect the dots between sheer unadulterated evil and leftist ideology.

    She places society’s ills squarely on the doorstep of libs, who pervert morality, abandon the rule and law, and lionize every type of degeneracy imaginable. She understands who the enemy is and who causes ordinary folk so much grief.

  3. I remember her showing up late to a prayer breakfast she was invited to and blaming her late arrival on her boy friend that wanted another piece of tail before she left. Not cool. I’ll listen to this tonight, but quite frankly all I’ve seen from her is grand standing BS. And don’t forget, she never was in the Trump camp. She’s got her eyes set on being Governor.

  4. ^^^^ I’m sure all of that is true, but even the imperfect can be an effective instrument of pain for the left. I want those bastards on the run, uneasy, uncomfortable and unsure of what will happen next, and aside from MTG, few in that house of inequity take so much glee and satisfaction in reigning hell-fire on the dems as this woman.

  5. @Brad – BTW that ‘boyfriend’ was her fiancee, the first guy she called out as a predator, Patrick Bryant.
    I watched some of it, in particular because that’s my neighborhood and she is affiliated with my church (although I have never seen her there). At first I thought her ex was a fellow church member, fortunately he is not. But A friend does know him, and at least one of the others, through the ‘Harbor Entrepreneurial Center’ where he has an office.
    I discussed with my friend, we agreed that either she is right, and all four of these guys need to be investigated thoroughly, or she has no basis and has set herself up for tens of million$ in damages. I know that if I were named, knowing that I have done nothing of the sort, I would already have filed a massive lawsuit. For that reason I think the former is more likely.

  6. Rich Taylor

    I totally agree with what you wrote above. But I’ve heard some of what LCD just posted. There’s something not right here. And I think it’s Nancy Mace. In fact I think it’s so bad she needs to be exposed. She’s a female predator. And your dicks never big enough.

  7. LCD
    Stop and think about this. That story about the prayer breakfast was cover far and wide. In fact I think it was covered here. So how does she go from bragging about Patrick Bryant who that morning wanted to keep playing hide the weenie to now he’s a sexual predator. One of two things are going on here. Either she’s a very insecure woman that allows herself to be taken advantage of by sexual predators or she’s a sexual predator herself. I dunno. But something is far from right here.

  8. Anonymous
    “get back to me asshole, when you have someone close to you raped…”

    Was she raped? You gotta big God Damn mouth behind a key board. Let’s stick to facts and keep from the cheap insults. Was Nancy Mace Raped by a fiancee she bragged about not getting enough of her snatch publicly? It’s on public record weak sister. What do you thinks going on here?

  9. Yes, Mace’s mission to protect women from abuse is noble, and her Christian testimony in obedient to God is wonderful, but somehow her motivation to address this issue seem mostly about her.
    The fact she noted she’s flawed (as we all are) gives insight into what might be her issue – a preference for a messy, masochistic, drama queen life.
    Despite her flaws, including narcissist tendencies, you’ve got to give her credit for bravely exposing operations of the evil, criminal syndicate of human trafficking and domestic violence.

  10. ??? This entire rambling, disjointed, incoherent narrative seems really unstable. And WTH does the AttyGen have to do with this rather than local police and prosecutors. And instead of going immediately to the cops, she spent… how much time?… “investigating” this first… on her own? And this all went on for… HOW long?

    And what kind of lifestyle/community did she hang out in with all this crap going on, women… drugged? raped? Her fiancee?!?!?

    She gives no chronological narrative. She provides no dates. No addresses. No indication that she alerted any of the other victims.

  11. @Bad_Brad – I was thinking similarly last night, that, her teenage abuse experiences aside she seems to seek out the wrong kind of men. Just conjecture, I wouldn’t want to claim anything without knowing her better. But I do think that while she is a vocal advocate of good causes, a lot of it seems to be because she wants the limelight.

  12. Don’t underestimate the destruction that false accusations can cause either. I don’t know this lady’s story, but I DO know remember the damage not to long ago that the #metoo movement cause for a lot of good men. If she is telling stories to further her career, it doesn’t matter what perceived good she gains there is; it is evil. It hurts women as well as men, and it hurts the truth.

  13. All I know is we won so everyone have a
    The eyes of the sheep open wider every day because of our landslide election. At least she is a fighter unlike the majority of wimpy republicans!

  14. Left Coast Dan
    Thursday, 13 February 2025, 6:21 at 6:21 am
    “@Bad_Brad – I was thinking similarly last night, that, her teenage abuse experiences aside she seems to seek out the wrong kind of men.”

    …one of my sisters had a knack for that, but she also knew what I said about abusers from shit I saw in the field, so there was some stuff about her first baby daddy she didnt tell me because thats what abused women do, protect their abusers.

    I found out anyway, a bit later, after they split up and it became apparent he wasnt going to support his child and he’d black the eye of any woman that came around asking for it. Not that he had any money or could support her anyway, so he was completely useless.

    He’s dead now.

    Imagine that…


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