You’ve got to be kidding me – IOTW Report

You’ve got to be kidding me

Carl Higbie says NY Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Emmy nomination “may be for best actor, for pretending to play an actual Governor on TV.” – via Saturday Report, Saturdays at 9AM ET on Newsmax TV

7 Comments on You’ve got to be kidding me

  1. I’d pay good money to see Carl kick the living shit out of the entire Cuomo’s family tree at the same time. Where are the retorts and threats from these tuff guys.
    I’ve spent most my adult life lifting weights 6 days a week for at least an hour a session. Many gyms. And occasionally you run across guys that don’t look that big, but can tip the building over. That’s Carl. What an athlete. Standing back flips, front flips. The guys amazing. And one awesome Patriot. If you’re on Instagram he’s a must follow.
    Mean while, maybe we can egg a fight on with the Cuomo sisters. Maybe a Pay Per View.

  2. …Plato could tell you all about Cuomo’s Emmy and just how meaningful it is…

    “[Socrates:] And now, I said, let me show in a figure how far our nature is enlightened or unenlightened: –Behold! human beings living in a underground den, which has a mouth open towards the light and reaching all along the den; here they have been from their childhood, and have their legs and necks chained so that they cannot move, and can only see before them, being prevented by the chains from turning round their heads. Above and behind them a fire is blazing at a distance, and between the fire and the prisoners there is a raised way; and you will see, if you look, a low wall built along the way, like the screen which marionette players have in front of them, over which they show the puppets.

    [Glaucon:] I see.

    [S] And do you see, I said, men passing along the wall carrying all sorts of vessels, and statues and figures of animals made of wood and stone and various materials, which appear over the wall? Some of them are talking, others silent.

    [G] You have shown me a strange image, and they are strange prisoners.

    [S] Like ourselves, I replied; and they see only their own shadows, or the shadows of one another, which the fire throws on the opposite wall of the cave?

    [G] True, he said; how could they see anything but the shadows if they were never allowed to move their heads?

    [S] And of the objects which are being carried in like manner they would only see the shadows?

    [G] Yes, he said.

    [S] And if they were able to converse with one another, would they not suppose that they were naming what was actually before them?

    [G] Very true.

    [S] And suppose further that the prison had an echo which came from the other side, would they not be sure to fancy when one of the passers-by spoke that the voice which they heard came from the passing shadow?

    [G] No question, he replied.

    [S] To them, I said, the truth would be literally nothing but the shadows of the images.”

    “[S] And if they were in the habit of conferring honours among themselves on those who were quickest to observe the passing shadows and to remark which of them went before, and which followed after, and which were together; and who were therefore best able to draw conclusions as to the future, do you think that he would care for such honours and glories, or envy the possessors of them? Would he not say with Homer,

    Better to be the poor servant of a poor master, and to endure anything, rather than think as they do and live after their manner?”

    …that’s what an Emmy or any other of these liberal awards REALLY are, shadows to distract slaves…

  3. They want to run this guy for President, don’t they? Everything they do is about keeping this corrupt, murderous mediocre scion viable. Remember when they were musing about him for Biden’s VP? They have big plans for this turd.

  4. And we have even bigger plans to flush this turd down permanently and give him a massive swirlie down into the abyss of no return. I thought that you had to be an actor to receive an Emmy award, if he’s an actor than we’re all John Wilkes Booth.


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