‘You’ve got to take Trump seriously.’ – IOTW Report

‘You’ve got to take Trump seriously.’

How Hillsdale College president met Trump.

Hillsdale College president Dr. Larry Arnn shares his first impression of President Donald Trump from 2015 on ‘Life, Liberty, & Levin.’

2 Comments on ‘You’ve got to take Trump seriously.’

  1. “But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one.” Matt 5:37

    This is why POTUS Trump is to be taken seriously. He may meander a bit in the weeds of anecdote and superlatives, but his “yes” is “yes” and his “no” is “no”. He doesn’t leave us wondering what it is he just decided. Then he takes out his HUGE black marker and signs his name to it!


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