Zakharova Calls State Department “Liars”: “They Know Perfectly Well They Told Zelensky to Stop Peace Talks” – IOTW Report

Zakharova Calls State Department “Liars”: “They Know Perfectly Well They Told Zelensky to Stop Peace Talks”


Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova took issue with claims by State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller that Russia “has refused to engage in meaningful peace negotiations,“  saying instead that the West “know perfectly well that they told Zelensky to halt negotiations.”

Answering a question about the Ukraine conference taking place in Saudi Arabia without Russian delegates, State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller said on August 7 that “There are no peace negotiations going on with Russia right now, because Russia has refused to engage in meaningful peace negotiations. Should there ever be peace negotiations, it’s Ukraine that will be in the lead from the non-Russian side. The United States is happy to play any role that is productive to stand with our Ukrainian partners, and we would welcome any other country that wants to play a productive role as well.”

Kremlin Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova blasted Miller’s claim: “What a bunch of liars! They know perfectly well that they told (Ukrainian President Volodomyr) Zelensky to halt negotiations in April 2022, that they initiated the Kiev regime’s ban on peace talks with Russia in September 2022, that they have publicly stated for a year that this is not the time for negotiations, but they still blame Russia,” Zakharova wrote on Telegram. “Of course, there’s the possibility that the State Department spokesman isn’t aware of what his boss, the Secretary of State, says. I can’t rule it out. But if Matthew Miller reads his boss Antony Blinken’s interview from April 2023, he’ll understand that he’s either playing games or being fooled.” MORE

16 Comments on Zakharova Calls State Department “Liars”: “They Know Perfectly Well They Told Zelensky to Stop Peace Talks”

  1. I don’t understand why somebody calling any/everybody in the Dept. of State liars is noteworthy, much less newsworthy. If you have more than four brain cells hooked up in parallel, you know that “diplomacy” means “lying to advance your bureaucratic-ass career, saying any damned thing the bosses want you to say.”



    OH YEAH, “81,000,000” STONED ASSHOLES

  3. I completely understand why our ‘Founding Fathers’ didn’t include ‘term-limits’, But, I think under the unfortunate circumstances….It may ultimately be a great idea.

  4. SNS, it’s not just Dems, it’s a big tent. Neocons. War is good. The payoff hasn’t even started yet. Believe me, I know. For example. The Mormon church. And that’s why you have Romney.

  5. She’s not wrong. For decades, I have assumed that anything coming from DC pie-holes and Hollywood A-holes, in regard to Russia, is 18O degrees from the truth. This assumption has rarely let me down.

    This is not to say that Russia is as pure as the wind-driven Siberian snow, but I am sick to death of our politicians and permanent governing class bitching and moaning about “Muh Russian Oligarchs”, when so many of these Western leeches privately sold influence and cut deals with these “oligarchs”, and then they publicly lied about it while demonizing their Russian “business partners”. Looking at you, Hillary and Barky.

    They tried to kill off post-Soviet Russia, and they failed. Now Russia sees them for what they are and is standing up to them. Nobody who’s been watching believes the lies anymore, and that includes a lot of countries we’ve screwed over in the last century. Blinken, Miller and the rest of the diplo clowns don’t know it, but they’ve all got “KICK ME” signs on their backs. But it is we who are going to pay the price for their lies and arrogance.

  6. Brad, I had forgotten the Mormons, them along with Catholics have their hands in a lot of pies. I’m pretty sure the Baptists are just as bad as Catholics on being the biggest human traffickers as far as migrants go.

  7. Old Racist White Woman

    Is organized religion our enemy? Like they say. Money is the root of all evil. I dunno. Wife’s Catholic. I’m like a religious cur. LOL, so we attend Catholic Church. On a local level it’s not bad. However when you get to Rome shit gets interesting, The American Catholic church should split from he Europeans. They are a joke.

  8. It’s not, Money is the root of all evil, it’s, The love of money is the root of…

    Possibly quaint as well. I’d go a step further. The love of control is the root of all evil.

  9. I dont generally say this about high ranking govt spokepersons from Russia but …

    БОЖЕ МОЙ! Я бы хотел её трахнуть!

    And yes, it means what you think it means, cause I really would like

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