Zelenskiy Admits Ukraine Can’t Pay Pensions – IOTW Report

Zelenskiy Admits Ukraine Can’t Pay Pensions

US Military Aid Was Mostly Grift For Defense Contractors.

AFP: In this interview today in Riga, Latvia, President Zelenskiy allowed himself to talk more than normally allowed by his secret patrons from Washington D.C. and London. More specifically, Mr. Zelensky said:

1) There is no money to pay pensions for 12 mln pensioners (editor’s note: 18.5 mln pensioners in Ukraine).

2) 70% of the financing sent to Ukraine on paper was left in the USA and paid to US military contractors and various agencies. more

10 Comments on Zelenskiy Admits Ukraine Can’t Pay Pensions

  1. Have no fear, I’m sure the the Biden Regime will transfer Social Security funds to Ukraine for pensioners. Minus Joetatoe’s 10% carrying fees. Michael Obama will soon takeover for Joe-Spongebob-poopy-pants in this capacity, no election needed.

  2. Ukraine, always the ‘friend’ in need of help and assistance.

    Maybe Zelenskiy should maybe perhaps NEGOTIATE a peace treaty or just call it a crappy year and just surrender.

    Or, sell your villas, mansions, underground personal bunkers, lay off your personal prostitutes (yes, all of them regardless of orientation), resign and then actively meet your master in the underworld.

    Surrender is not likely, but way more likely than giving up his posh lifestyle.

    He really should do both for the good of ‘his people’ (which IS laughable as he does not give a shit about them.) But neither will happen until Trump gives him no choice.

  3. I wonder who was the wokeist shitforbrains editor who went through this piece pre-publication and changed “Zelensky” to “Zelensk i y”. Missed one!

    It’s not “Zelenskyy” either. And by the way, it’s “Kiev” not “Kyiv” which still isn’t pronounced keeeeeeve.


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