Zelensky pinned blame on Biden for Russia’s invasion into Ukraine – IOTW Report

Zelensky pinned blame on Biden for Russia’s invasion into Ukraine

Ukrainian President Zelensky Tells U.S. Congress Who He Believes Is Responsible For Russia’s Invasion: Report.

Daily Wire: Senate sources said on Saturday that Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky pinned blame for Russia’s invasion into Ukraine on Democrat President Joe Biden’s refusal to enact sanctions against Russia before Russia launched the invasion.

Zelensky told Senators that if the U.S. “had started sanctions months ago, there would not have been war.”

Reuters noted just a few days before Russia invaded Ukraine that Biden was “refus[ing] to unleash sanctions on Russia” until Russia invaded, despite numerous officials, including Zelensky, saying that the sanctions could stop the invasion from happening.

“You tell me 100% that there will be war in a few days’ time. What are you waiting for?” Zelensky said before the invasion. “We will not need your sanctions after there is a bombardment, or after our state is shot at, or if we have no more borders, we do not have an economy, or parts of our state is occupied.” read more

29 Comments on Zelensky pinned blame on Biden for Russia’s invasion into Ukraine

  1. I have great empathy for the Ukrainian people but lately, Zelensky is coming off like a whiny bitch. And for the tenth time, no, we are not going to initiate a no-fly zone, sorry.

    There was a good piece in the WSJ on Saturday;


    Hopefully, it can be viewed beyond the pay-wall.

    “The Russian invasion of Ukraine resulted from two immense strategic blunders, Robert Service says. The first came on Nov. 10, when the U.S. and Ukraine signed a Charter on Strategic Partnership, which asserted America’s support for Kyiv’s right to pursue membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The pact made it likelier than ever that Ukraine would eventually join NATO—an intolerable prospect for Vladimir Putin. “It was the last straw,” Mr. Service says. Preparations immediately began for Russia’s so-called special military operation in Ukraine.”

    So in this sense, Biden’s Fuck You to Putin re: his support for Ukraine joining NATO reveals an antipathy for Russia’s interests, forcing Putin’s hand into a hostile act, and arrogance at backdooring the rest of the NATO members.

  2. Apparently the Russians have issued a statement that they have proof that Biological Weapons were being created on their border with Ukraine. Specifically Anthrax. Which violates a shit load of UN rules. They’re suppose to release more this week.

  3. The Soviet Union lost 27 million people during World War II, and 6.850 million of them were Ukrainians. If Putin’s military forces lose 20 or 30 thousand dead, it will seem like a small price to pay to keep NATO from Russia’s doorstep. As insane as these numbers are, they will be presented as the costs of defending the Motherland from enemies who are trying to overthrow the Russian government. Remember, these people barely got a taste of freedom after 74 years of Communist Dictatorship, before Putin saved them from chaos and financial failure. The majority of them will go along with this until Putin gets taken down by the military after years of losses trying to subdue the Ukrainian Resistance. If Zelensky lives to tell the truth about Dementia Joe’s stupidity, it will be a miracle.

  4. Another corrupt Ukrainian politician, $35mil mansion in FL. Stop telling us what to do to drag us into WW3. The west made a HUGE blunder talking around the edges of letting Ukraine into NATO. Then, letting oil get high enough in price that Putin could afford a war. Yes, we made mistakes. But go pound sand when you blame us and then ask for money.

  5. Wow. Anon. Ease off on your Brad boner. He may lack credibility, but I don’t. Ukraine had biological weapons labs funded by the U.S. in lots of locations in Ukraine.

    Pretty well known fact unless you get your news from Doc. McStuffins. I thought you guys were all gay for science and facts. You’re all falling back on mindless propaganda shouted at the top of your lungs?

    Pity. It was fun endlessly destroying your side in debates.

  6. Stupid doesn’t debate facts. It just yammers and beats it’s fists impotently onto the pavement.

    Tell me more about your well reasoned and totally non juvenile political positions. You seem so erudite.

  7. Putin’s gamble is simple.

    the West has emasculated itself by deliberately shutting down fossil-fuel production & implementation to ‘go green’. as Limbaugh always said, “the West’s economy depends upon the free flow of oil at market prices”. nothing truer was ever said. Putin decided that the West would not interfere too much because he (& OPEC) controlled the oil that we will willingly not produce, but desperately need. now is the time to put an end to NATO expansion.

    Putin is playing against pimple-faced amateurs from the jr. high student council

  8. I remember BFH (and I like the hell out of BFH) saying that one thing that will get you banned from commenting on the site is to assume another’s identity in order to make a comment. So how does that apply to all the anonymouses that comment. Aren’t they all assuming an already taken identity. And BFH, I apologize for bringing this up, not throwing stones at you, but these anonymous worms need to be addressed.

  9. Kudos to Burr for actually engaging “anonymous” into an exchange. Up until now all the little douchenozzle was willing to do was come out of it’s basement, land a sucker punch and then go back to it’s mommy’s tit for comfort.

  10. An Anon is simply someone too stupid type a name, much less figure out how to get a gravatar.

    We have spam bot work from home posters that know how to get a gravitar.

    Anyway, I occasionally volunteer with the local charity that employs people with downs syndrome. It’s the same with anons. You just have to be patient and keep them from hurting themselves with a hammer.

  11. I got a tech question for the knowledgeable out there. Can an admin for this site ban a specific IP address?

    I’ve been lobbying for a few years now to make registration a requirement for the site, getting a username with an email. Yes, some of us have more than one email but each home network has its own IP address so that particular network could get banned, is this right?

    Yes, the trolls and the spammers are annoying but at least the spammers are trying to make a buck. The trolls are just sad little incels who can’t get laid or even find a friend.

  12. Send an email to fur or Claudia or MJ or Dr. Tar.

    They all go to the same AA meetings so it shouldn’t be hard to track them down.

  13. Biden is batting 1000% on Foreign Policy Blungers over 50 years.
    Biden’s failed decisions have combined death toll of a 3rd world country level dictatorship.
    Add Covid Numbers, homeless, Murders by illegal immigrants and the destruction of our economy, suicides, he’ll be right up there with the worst psychopathic dictators of all-time.
    Buying oil from Russia, Iran and Venezuela will fund Russia’s destruction of Ukraine, help the mullahs fund more terrorism and ensure Venezuela’s Socialist strangle hold upon their citizens.
    All at US taxpayer expense.
    Biden, through our tax dollars, is telling all freedom seeking individuals under the threat of death “Screw YOU!”

    Makes you proud to see our Taxpayer dollars at work, doesn’t it?
    There’s not a damn thing you can do about it!

  14. to a y’all yammering about banning posters … if you would just quit stroking their ego by being upset about them, then they would go away

    their relevance is only justified by those of us that fuss & cuss … it’s what they want … us being upset

    take a page from them … ignore them …. just like the MSM, there is nothing more powerful than ignoring a story

    don’t feed the trolls
    (& if you are compelled to respond, learn from masters such as Burr)

  15. All you have to do is look at a war map.
    Putin is going after the Bio Labs and Nuke sites.
    He knows what NATO and America has been up to,and he is pissed.
    Anon is jackass #1.

  16. I saw this comment elsewhere, by an Anonymous:

    “The problem with Zelenskyy is this: He’s a former comedian. Doing asinine things to get attention is the heart of what a comedian does. It’s the most basic, essential part of a comedian’s personality.
    When Zelenskyy threatened Putin by saying he was going to acquire nuclear weapons, he was doing something asinine to get attention–from Putin. He was trying to say, “Hey, quit looking down at me like I’m a joke, I’m an important man here, and you darned well better pay attention to me and show me respect.”
    Zelenskyy was suffering from a sense of inferiority because he was a walking joke for so many years, and out of his depth in this new world of politics, so he kept trying to prove he was a serious man’s man by shoving his chest into Putin’s. But because Zelenskyy has a long history of loving to do asinine things, he didn’t stop to think for even 2 minutes how Putin would react. Putin is a shadow to him, not a real person with his own ideas.
    People who make the stage their life usually have histrionic personality disorder. Zelenskyy likely does. But people with this disorder, if they think they’re being ignored, escalate their attention-seeking behavior. They can behave vilely to other people just to get attention from them. They keep provoking other people so they have an audience.
    Zelenskyy wanted the entire world as his stage and everyone paying attention to him, and he wanted to be lauded as a noble hero by the Western media. That’s exactly what he got by provoking a war with Putin. Zelenskyy showed poor judgment, because histrionics have an entirely different agenda than successfully running a country in a quiet, peaceful, and prosperous manner the way a statesman would.
    Histrionics want an uproar with themselves at the center.

    That’s what gives histrionics emotional satisfaction, because it means everyone’s paying attention to them. Getting attention, one way or another, is a histrionic’s primary motivator and chief goal in life.”

  17. @cato March 6, 2022 at 9:04 pm

    > Makes you proud to see our Taxpayer dollars at work, doesn’t it?
    > There’s not a damn thing you can do about it!

    There’s not a damn thing you will do about it!

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