Zelensky Requests $5 Billion a Month from Global Community in World Economic Forum Speech – IOTW Report

Zelensky Requests $5 Billion a Month from Global Community in World Economic Forum Speech

The World Economic Forum conference kicked off today in Davos, Switzerland. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky opened the annual conference by requesting $5 billion a month from the global community.
Zelensky requested the cash infusion immediately.

22 Comments on Zelensky Requests $5 Billion a Month from Global Community in World Economic Forum Speech

  1. Don’t give it to him. Take care of the USA first. Drill for oil,òpen the pipe lines, close the border etc.. why should we or the other European nations stuff his bank account with cash. Charity begins at home…..

  2. At $5 billion a month… he will never end the war. No more than Al Sharpton will quit race-baiting when he gets paid million$ for that reason.

  3. This guy is in on the game.
    He is getting money from all over the world so he can send it back to them and get more money, Ect,Ect.
    He now has about 1 billion dollars put away I would bet.
    Last I saw the penis loving guy had about 530 million before the last infusion of cash.

  4. Did anyone see that dumbass from Arkansas, Cotton said if we didn’t give them $40 billion then China would attack Taiwan? How ignorant are these people? Folks need to quit voting for people just because they served in the military.

    With stolen elections and obviously either brain transplants or blackmail when they get to DC, I don’t see how voting is going to fix anything, if there’s anything left to fix. I don’t see how we’re surviving this unless maybe all the idiots die because they’re too stupid to grow/hunt their own food, then maybe there will be enough of us old fogies left to outnumber the scum in DC and return government to what it was supposed to be.


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