Zelensky says Ukraine only received around $75 billion of the $177 billion in aid sent by the US – IOTW Report

Zelensky says Ukraine only received around $75 billion of the $177 billion in aid sent by the US

“I don’t know where all this money is.”

19 Comments on Zelensky says Ukraine only received around $75 billion of the $177 billion in aid sent by the US

  1. Money?

    Only thing you deserve, funny man Z, is a long drop and a short rope.

    …although perhaps the Russians have something more creative in mind for a globalist, CIA installed literal Nazi like you…

  2. Come on man, it’s not like I’m good with money or something.
    I’ll check my sock drawer.
    Any how’s you just need to send more so I can keep kicking Russian ass. We’ve got them on the run now.
    If you want to know where all the loose money went, see the people that want this war to continue.

  3. Ukraine received ONLY $75 BILLION?!
    That’s $75 Billion more than Ukraine deserves.

  4. That’s a very good reason to stop sending them money. He thinks it will engender sympathy for Ukraine that they didn’t get the full amount, and keep the gravy train running. Instead he’s shown everyone why it is a bad idea to send them anything.

  5. Some of the money to Ukraine may have been a stopover to other places, but Zelenskiiiyyy knows how much he needed to skim.

    I wouldn’t even be surprised if he/we gave some of it to Putin. lol
    Because that’s what we do. We fund both sides of wars. Like England did to us during the Civil War.

  6. I’m probably wrong about this, but I think it was the Prime Minister of Hungary that claimed he had proof most of the money slated for the Uke never left the states. And ended up with the DNC.

  7. Remember when your neighbors were displaying Ukraine flags in their yards “for Freedom and Democracy” ?? (and usually flying the flag upside down)

    And Shitpants got them all riled up to fight and die for the cause! “Russia is running out of microchips and is scavenging them out of washing machines!”

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