Zelensky Visits Wounded Ukrainian Soldiers in NYC Hospital – IOTW Report

Zelensky Visits Wounded Ukrainian Soldiers in NYC Hospital

Geller Report-

Why are “Ukrainian soldiers” in a NYC hospital?

How and when did they get here?

Who is paying for their care?

When are they going back to Ukraine – or are they here for good? (Monica Crawley)

And this:

18 Comments on Zelensky Visits Wounded Ukrainian Soldiers in NYC Hospital

  1. Fuckers coming to Toronto in a couple days.

    There is a Ukrainian church around the corner from my house (half a mile) that Turdette has spoken at a few times. I hope they see the 4 foot F@CK TRUDEAU flag that’s hanging out front.

    Freeland has been there too.

  2. This continues to be as big a farce as the covid bullshit!

    Saw a tv ad that said Joey B. was committed to ensuring women had a right to an abortion and birth control and that government shouldn’t tell them what to do regarding medical issues – uh excuse me then you shouldn’t be able to tell me to a covid shot right?

  3. We are at war. We just haven’t realized it yet. Your tax dollars mean nothing anymore. They just print what they need. They’re hell bent on seeing the destruction of our Republic. I’d like to know why.

  4. Brad,they have told us they want to limit global population to
    500 million. Read Agenda 21. They have been making noises about a cashless society.. Our online speech will get it turned off. The covid thing was the first overt depopulation move. The 15 minute cities.. It’s all a huge power grab. The elite don’t want us alive.

  5. @ Brad TUESDAY, 19 SEPTEMBER 2023, 23:28 AT 11:28 PM

    Progressivism is 100% invested in increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death. Until very recently the United States of America has been the best hope to escape suffering, misery and death the world has ever seen. That is why Progressives/Marxists/Satanists have been trying to destroy America. There really isn’t much more to it than that.

  6. Wounded American soldiers come back to American hospitals……How many of these Ukranian soldiers are American?….and how many Americans are fighting in Ukraine?….American soldiers of Ukrainian decent?…fuck, this shit is confusing and unnecessary….Impeach Joe Biden…then execute him….

  7. Relax folks. While I’m sure we’re paying, they probably just got flown over here for Zelenskyy’s photo op and will be returned to the war also at our expense. If they were going to stay, they would have come across the Rio Grande like the rest of New York’s new citizens.

  8. My head is clearer in the morning…

    Gender reassignment surgery?
    We can’t have the USA being the only Military with a Trannie Admiral.


  9. One day soon, Zelensky is coming to visit, and he won’t be going home.

    Speaking of which, where is former Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksyii Reznikov. I’m reading everywhere in the mockingbird media that Reznikov was fired/dismissed/removed in a shakeup/corruption investigation/reorganization, but where is he now?

    There was a fake news photo of Reznikov partying on a yacht in europe, but that was quickly fack-checked as being from 2020.

    But there were also reports that he’s in London now as Ukraine’s ambassador. Those reports have not been fack-checked away. They have simply been disappeared from the record. But I saw them before that happened.

    I reckon he’ll pop up later in the news and London, as if nothing unusual had happened and of course he’s ambassador now, you rube, stop gawking, Putin-lover.

    But there’s no ignoring the fact that the rat-lines from Ukraine are being laid and are already in use.

  10. Brad, check out Armenia/Azerbaijan. It’s Ukraine II, brought to you by State and CIA. I don’t know where we’ll get the weapons to ship to Armenia, or when they’ll be shipping, but you just know we’ve already got “advisors” on the ground there.

  11. This is news to me. I had no idea UKraine was shipping its wounded soldiers over here. This is just NUTS.

    If the Ukes can’t treat their own wounded, they should never have taken up arms.

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