Zelensky’s US trip goes from bad to worse as he discovers many Americans just don’t like him – IOTW Report

Zelensky’s US trip goes from bad to worse as he discovers many Americans just don’t like him


By now, you’ve likely come to realize that much of what we see going on isn’t exactly as it appears. Governments have a long history of not always being truthful with their citizens, a tradition that dates back to the inception of governance itself. However, what we’ve witnessed recently is a barrage of smoke and mirror tactics employed by the Biden administration at an unprecedented level. It all began with his “basement campaign” and the highly debated 2020 election and has continued throughout his administration, where most everyone sees a senile old crook who’s destroying the country while masquerading as a leader. But the media and Democrats present a narrative of a capable, intelligent leader firmly in control, presiding over the world’s strongest economy. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think you were in the Twilight Zone.

This phenomenon is not limited to just Biden and the United States. Unpopular globalists worldwide use similar “smoke and mirrors” tactics to persuade people that what they actually see and feel isn’t reality. Take, for instance, Ukrainian leader Zelensky during his visit to America. Zelensky failed to draw a sizable audience for his speech at the UN; in fact, it was attended by a rather sparse crowd. However, the warmongering elites couldn’t allow the truth to get out, fearing questions about their support for such an unpopular little guy. So, what did they do? They edited the video, adding a massive, overflowing crowd to deceive everyone into believing that the entire world was eager to hear Zelensky speak.

However, their editing blunder became evident when they inserted a crowd into the clip that included Zelensky seated among them. Oh boy… more

23 Comments on Zelensky’s US trip goes from bad to worse as he discovers many Americans just don’t like him

  1. He’s a failed body comedian turned Nazi dictator that runs a money laundry for and extortion operation on the Communists who are deliberately destroying OUR country so that he can obtain cash and weapons to sell for cash at OUR expense to keep his and the Democrats’ grift going as lomg as possible, with side hustles from child trafficing in both slaves and body parts when he’s not running bioweapons labs with open windows and nonexistent safety on behalf of Democrats who want to brew murderous potions outside of international and US law, while sacrificing his own people and pushing us ever closer to global thermonuclear war, all so he can protect his own fortune and power for as long as possible.

    What’s not to like?

  2. Hey Zelensky…You’re ugly, and your mother dresses you like Fetterman. That enough to get me on your Myrotvorets List, you stinking POS? I hope you go back home in a pine box.

  3. “Were not just going to shoot the bastard, were going to cut out his living guts and use them to grease the treads on our tanks.” -GSP (Edited for amusement.)

    Go Putin!

  4. Leftist America hating press has used FAKE NEWS to support folk like Hunter’s partner for many decades.
    The KGB run W Post was doing it 73 years ago I have first hand knowledge. Dad worked in DC in 1950 So I read the “Americans are bad folk” Post. Did not know what KGB WAS IN 1950 BUT DID KNOW ANTI AMERICA LIES FROM THE TRUTH. POST DID NOTPUBLISH PRAVDA. Still does not At seats 73 years of lies!

  5. A modest read of recent history focused on the area in question leads one to to the (provisional) conclusion that the US is responsible for the cascade of events that led to the Russian SMO. The Russian actions appear to be tactics designed to counter US/NATO, but I mean US, strategy.

    In the short view the result looks terrible, war, destruction, international opprobrium, all the awfulness associated with using military force to achieve an apparently political objective. A slightly longer view suggests the tactic may bring much broader success in thwarting US strategy.

    Immediately stop deployment of NATO/US weaponry on the border.
    Stop organized Ukrainian attacks on the Russian people in the east of Ukraine.
    Destroy bioweapons labs near the border and elsewhere.
    Drain NATO’s faux military arsenal.
    Expose and exploit divisions in NATO.
    Bleed US in money and weaponry, expose US weakness, corruption and self interested hypocrisy.
    Reset the entire paradigm of western hegemony, and expose the US as just another rather than the predominant power in the world.
    Drive the politics away from expansion and domination by the west and toward a forced western neutrality toward Russia.
    Obtain the eastern and southern oblasts, the breakaway republics, as well as Odessa to go along with Crimea, formally.

    At the core of the tactic lies the sure and certain knowledge that the US cannot maintain any voluntarily chosen unpleasant course of action for long, and that the US is fundamentally incapable of effectively pursuing any war of conquest at all due to internal contradictions inherent in political make up.

    The real question is, what does the hand behind the US/NATO alliance and national governments actually intend in fomenting and pursuing this activity in Ukraine?

  6. Whats most amazing is most people in America dont know the half* of it. As monstrous as the lying has been about everything else, this might be the worst lie of all.

    Maybe Im the greatest military mind in America, because I knew this counteroffensive would be a total failure in early May. Thats when a Russian cruise missile hit the west Ukie town of Khmelnynsky (named after a WW2 Ukronazi mass murderer, BTW) and set off one the largest non nuke fireballs in history

    The point being, you have to be able to stockpile large amounts of fuel and ammo even before you start out. And if one side can spot and destroy your stockpiles at will because you have no air defense …

    Well, ask any surviving NVA soldier how that situation worked out for them in the conventional 1972 spring offensive … if you can find one

    *(Actually more like the 90% of it)


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