Zero Dollars – IOTW Report

Zero Dollars

Patriot Retort:

I know math can be hard for many of us – even those not suffering from dementia. But how exactly did Joe Biden come up with zero dollars as the cost of the $3.5 trillion boondoggle Democrats want to ram down our throats? more

21 Comments on Zero Dollars

  1. @Dry gulched

    Canuckistan voted for Turdo. Again!

    So I have raised my prices to reflect that the motherfuckers up here have too much money, want to pay more taxes, and therefore it is my DUTY to relieve them of the extra money that they have.

    Fuck em all!

  2. Hey, Biden didn’t see this coming? Seriously? Was it the Trump Derangement Syndrome that fucked your common sense?

    The fun is only beginning. NOW, they are talking about inflation. NOW, they are talking about interest rates. NOW, they are talking about pulling back QE. Wait until the taxes hit on top of the inflation.

    Enjoy the ride, assholes. Enjoy your 401K, etc.

    Carter was a piker.

  3. simple … zero brain, zero dollars

    this idiot has been going so long on bullshit & lies that he actually thinks that now he’s on the world stage everyone will just eat it up, like they’ve been doing all his perverted grifting life
    (& shame on all those grinning baboons in the media, academia & the political world that just sat around & tittered, “oh that’s just Joe”. you helped foist this pile of putrid garbage upon us & the world. you’ve sold your souls for a place at the end of the dinner table … do us all a favor & phuck off & die)

  4. He’s a liar.
    Plain and simple – he’s a liar.
    As are ALL Demonrats and ALL RINOs and most politicians.
    He is spewing lies to deceive the credulous.
    $3.5 Trillion costs nothing? Only in Newspeak – certainly not in reality.

    Every one of them needs to face justice.

    izlamo delenda est …


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