Zimbabwe: Eviction of white farmer amidst infighting in Mugabe’s party signals troubled times to come – IOTW Report

Zimbabwe: Eviction of white farmer amidst infighting in Mugabe’s party signals troubled times to come


The eviction of the white Zimbabwean farmer Phillip Rankin from a disputed farm has evoked memories of the dark days in the country during the 2000 land reform programme.

mugabe of zimbabwe

During the height of the programme, war veterans and government supporters participated in violent land grabs, evicting white farmers from the land, and replacing them with black farmers, including many loyalists of the ruling Zanu PF.

While it is important to cover this outrageous act of cronyism and abuse of state power, many Zimbabweans feel that the world has forgotten about them, as their human rights have been violated for over 15 years by Robert Mugabe’s strong-arm regime.


22 Comments on Zimbabwe: Eviction of white farmer amidst infighting in Mugabe’s party signals troubled times to come

  1. “. . . land reform programme”?
    More like land theft and communist redistribution programme.
    Changed the country from a food producing self-sustaining country, to a third world starving cess hole.
    You made your bed. Now lay in it. You deserve to be forgotten. I’m surprised that there are/were any whites still in Zimbabwe.

  2. One of my best friends immigrated to the US from Rhodesia. His family went there in the 1870s from Ireland. He actually checks the African-American box on forms, census, etc. In his mind, he is an, “American of African descent”.

    The reason the minority government held on so long in Rhodesia was because the two dominant tribes in the country hate each other. Mugabe is of the majority Shona and his co-revolutionary partner, Joshua Nkomo, was from the Matabele. The latter group always supported the Rhodesian government out of a need to resist domination by the majority. In fact, the Rhodesian Army who fought the guerrillas was 90% African!

    Now, guess what? Rhodesia is well along the road of genocide, where the Shona will finally purge the nation of all the Matabele. In the meantime, inflation remains at 150,000%, unemployment hovers around 95% and the usual suspects pad their Swiss bank accounts.

    Read more! http://genocidewatch.net/2013/03/19/genocide-alerts-zimbabwe/

  3. Countries With The Lowest Average IQ

    1 Equatorial Guinea 59
    2 Ethiopia 63
    3 Sierra Leone 64
    4 Democratic Republic of the Congo 65
    5 Zimbabwe 66
    5 Guinea 66
    7 Nigeria 67
    8 Ghana 71
    9 Tanzania 72
    9 Sudan 72

    If anyone started selling short buses in Africa, they’d make a mint!

  4. It is sunny day around
    Heavy boots march on the grounds
    Pack of wolves, an Aryan hounds
    Where you fucking níggers are!?!

    The smell of monkeys makes me spit
    Beat beat beat them fúcking beat
    The planet can’t stand motherfúcker’s feet
    They must eat their own stinky shít

    Shoot the níggers
    Shoot them fúcking all
    A National Socialistic Call
    Pull the trigger
    Shoot subhuman all
    A New Order for a New World
    White Power!

    The sunny days for nígger left behind
    We cant feel free of fúcking black skin swines
    One must stop subhuman crimes
    Do it now for we don’t have a time
    The coloured bastards rape our girls
    Subhuman sells our children drugs
    They are in the government — it fúcking sucks!
    It’s time to go on, waste no words!<

    Go Away, Stupid. -bfh

  5. I truly hate the “n-bomb”. It only inflames people and perpetuates the division in this country that was exasperated by leftist democrats fifty years ago with LBJ’s war on poverty, which, by design, destroyed the black American family and created a dependent underclass that has been exploited by democrats ever since. The destruction of the black American family was purposeful, as was/is the race baiting and radically divisive narrative pushed by the left.

    I ask black Americans if voting for democrats for decades has truly served their interests, and in rational discussions with black Americans who haven’t been enslaved on the leftist entitlement plantation, they sometimes answer “no”… more often than I once thought they would. There are still too few of them, though, but resorting to blaming the very people oppressed by leftists doesn’t serve to enlighten them to the fact they’ve been exploited and treated like chumps. Our urban areas are crammed full of dependent people kept in sub-standard housing and educated in failing, crumbling schools, and those urban areas are bastions of leftist democrat policy. The leftists have failed black Americans, and they’ve done so on purpose. It will take black Americans to understand this before anything changes, and putting them on the defensive with derogatory names doesn’t help.

    Additionally, the leftists first targeted black Americans as a group, as it was the most vulnerable. Now, that leftist rot has infected America in general, and we have people of all racial backgrounds falling into the dependency trap. Just consider all the people out there railing against “the 1%”, corporations, free market capitalism, and individualism while supporting big government, regulation, and higher taxes, and it’s evident we have a major battle on our hands if we want to remain a free people. I would rather enlist everyone I can to fight on my side, and that’s impossible to do if I insult them so badly they won’t even listen.

    That’s my two cents worth.

  6. Good comment, Steven. I agree with you that dependency on government handouts is as powerful as drug addiction, and everyone is vulnerable now, not just the blacks.

    P.S. – Just FYI, it’s “exacerbated”. We’re exasperated.


  7. Both Nkomo’s ZAPU and Mugabe’s ZANU were communist (Soviet v Maoist) and their descent into the maelstrom began in 1980 following a path that could lead to nothing but chaos, death, starvation, and disease.

    Any whites stupid enough to stay … well, they shoulda known better.

  8. Great timing, now Obutthole can send them 50 billion American tax dollars as a down payment on their suffering! Maybe we can also take in half the country’s population because of black racism! As
    a bonus once they get here they would be eligible for reparations!

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