Zinc Helps Immune System Regrow Immune Cells, A New Study Reveals – IOTW Report

Zinc Helps Immune System Regrow Immune Cells, A New Study Reveals

The Exposé:
Zinc has been acknowledged as an essential mineral for human health since the 1970s. More than 300 enzymes in your body require zinc for normal function, and it’s well-recognised for its role in immunity and normal immune system development.

A March 2022 study has now shed new light on how zinc influences immune function. Zinc is required for the development of disease-fighting T cells, and for the regeneration of your thymus, which produces T cells.

A molecule inside your cells called GPR39 acts as a sensor that tracks changes in external zinc, and when the level rises, GPR39 triggers the release of a key renewal factor and thymic regeneration.

Zinc ionophores, which act as a shuttle to transport the zinc into the cell, improves zinc uptake. Zinc ionophores include hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), chloroquine, quercetin and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).

Excessive zinc supplementation can cause an imbalance in your zinc-to-copper ratio, which can impair immune function. Copper, in turn, is interdependent on iron. MORE HERE

15 Comments on Zinc Helps Immune System Regrow Immune Cells, A New Study Reveals

  1. Today, pharmaceutical giant Pfizer announced the next week’s release of its new wonder drug, Zinctermectin, to be available by prescription only. It will cost $95 dollars per pill.

    In other news, the Biden administration today issued an executive order outlawing the manufacture, sale, trade or possession of zinc.

  2. So all Zinc they coat Biden’s Ass with to sooth the Diaper Rash is also good for his immune system?

    That’s just Fuckin Great. Just great…

  3. Zinc is one of the most important minerals for the human body. It is necessary for the production of more than 300 enzymes used by the body including the enzymes needed for our bodies to produce the collagen and keratin that form practically everything our bodies are physically constructed of. It has been known for a really long time that it is necessary for our immune systems to function properly by allowing the thymus gland to produce the T-cells that kill off “invaders”.

    When you consider how important zinc is to the immune system (along with vitamin D), you have to suspect that there is a reason the PTB don’t aggressively advertise the facts about nutrition. There is too much money to be made by creating sick people who are sick in many cases because of nutrient deficiencies.

  4. I take a zinc tab everyday. I don’t follow any particular guidance or order. Its in with my pile of “hope it helps pills”. My body will have to sort out which is which. My sugar has been nailed with a pill the VA gave me, 25mg EMPAGLIFLOZIN 1/2 tab a day. Sugar dropped like a rock.

  5. The CDC will never tell you what to take to make you feel better or cure. Whatever they tell you to do, do right the opposite. Get the jab = NO! Wear a mask = NO! Don’t take Ivermectin = take it. I’m still here, well, and saying NO! Zinc works, Vit D1 works, sunshine works, washing your hands work, exercise works to stay well.

  6. @RadioMatt – Zinc can interfere with a few medications but it isn’t a really long list. I wouldn’t worry too much about keeping a strict time limit – even if a medication hinders absorption, at least you’re getting some. This link is pretty helpful.


    And you can take zinc on an empty stomach if you drink several ounces of something with it (some people it doesn’t bother anyway). Like Deplorable2C mentioned above, I take it with all the other “vitamins” I take with my first meal of the day which generally isn’t a lot of food. It can cause a bit of nausea if the pill / capsule dissolves in your stomach without being dispersed. Some forms are less irritating to your stomach as well including zinc picolinate (I personally haven’t had any problems with the citrate or gluconate forms as well when taken on an empty stomach). These are chelated forms of zinc (chemically combined with organic substances) which are generally absorbed better than the zinc sulfate (basically the “rock” form of zinc) which Dr. Zalenko uses in his formula.


  7. I recommend the Zicam nose swabs because they don’t make your stomach feel sick. Every morning I swab my nasal passage. To save money, I use a fresh Qtip to swab for the first 2 uses and the 3rd I use the applicator so I get more uses from a single package, if that makes sense.


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