Zombie – IOTW Report


Joe Biden Shows Up at the DNC Drugged Out Like a Zombie.

17 Comments on Zombie

  1. Amazing. Fifty yrs of nothing but enriching the Biden cabal.

    There should be a statue of this farce erected in the nearest DC swamp.

    He was always incompetent and dumb, yet he gets a pass now with cognitive issues?

    His performance has always been the same: huge net negative to America.

    I’m a Christian but find it hard to pray for such a corrupt, lying, perverted, narcissistic, arrogant fraud to find God somehow.

    What a waste of a human being.

    There’s your legacy, Joe. You always sucked.

    P.S. Corn Pop was actually a GOOD dude compared to you.

  2. Jethro

    I tried to pay attention, I never witnessed him blink one. Pure black eyes. Like his soul. We watched the entire damn angry thing. He was like a drugged zombie with a cattle prod shoved up his ass. His most used word was a name and that name was Trump.

  3. ^^^^ That’s not true. Sometimes he’s sleeping on a beach. I think the mans living his own private hell facilitated by his ex nanny who can’t get enough fame or power.

  4. The figures I saw on FNC from Monday night:
    topics mentioned
    Economy..28 times
    immigration..8 times
    Donald Trump..160 times
    Their entire platform is built around stopping Trump.


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