Zombies Are Rayciss!!! – IOTW Report

Zombies Are Rayciss!!!

BlackLivesMatter Activists Are Angry at Fear the Walking Dead, but They’re Angry at the Wrong Thing.

fear the walking dead

The Corner: Thanks to one of my favorite sites in the whole entire internet, “Everything’s A Problem” (it mocks one politically correct outrage a day, and it never runs out of material), I came across the tempest over the racism inherent in Fear the Walking Dead.

Those who don’t follow zombie fiction may not be familiar with the race “controversy” that has dogged Fear’s parent show, The Walking Dead, but here it is in a nutshell: The show — set in a zombie apocalypse — kills off too many black male characters. The show’s cast is remarkably diverse, but some people actually obsess over the racial makeup of the zombie chow.

Zombies are gonna munch, but they have to munch in an activist-approved manner.

7 Comments on Zombies Are Rayciss!!!

  1. Black people watch too.much TV…

    “This has been the case for many years — blacks watching more television than any other group. If this is the case, why aren’t there more black television shows being produced? Why does it appear that we have more time than other groups to watch television? Perhaps we value television differently than other groups. If so, why? Whatever the case, too much of anything is rarely a good thing.”


    When you are counting black zombies in a TV mob, or black faces at a TV bus stop, you are pretty far gone down the racial rabbit hole.

  2. I worked for a company years ago in the customer service dept. We had a multi page flyer for sales. It had people in various poses for photography.

    I received a call from a lady that was very upset with the flyer. She said her 5 year old daughter asked her, “Mommy, why no black people on the front page?”

    I didn’t answer for a few seconds because I just couldn’t fathom why that was even a question. I had a copy of the flier and looked at it and said, “Well, since this was a family photo, I suppose that the white Mom and Dad didn’t have any black kids.” I opened the flyer and on every other page, there were many people of color but not all of them were black. I mentioned that, too.

    She was so mad that she wanted to talk to my supervisor. I told her that I was the supervisor, but I would take her name and number and give it to my VP.

    I threw it in the trash when we hung up.

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