Zuckerberg Implies FBI Told Platform to Intercept Hunter Biden Laptop Story – IOTW Report

Zuckerberg Implies FBI Told Platform to Intercept Hunter Biden Laptop Story


During a discussion with Joe Rogan, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg was asked about the removal of content, specifically citing the example of the pre-2020 election Hunter Biden laptop story.  In his response Zuckerberg says the background context is important because the FBI came to Facebook and told them Russian disinformation was about to drop, just before the New York Post article was published.

This discussion comes on the heels of an FBI whistleblower approaching the Senate Judiciary Committee with evidence the Washington DC field office was specifically working to coverup any discoveries around the Hunter Biden laptop (per Chuck Grassley).   Add the Zuckerberg statement to the whistleblower claim and the resounding implication is the FBI taking advanced proactive measures to stop information they deem adverse to the interests of democrats. more/watch.

Also from CTH:
During a segment on his broadcast this evening, Fox News host Tucker Carlson interviewed Center for American Liberty founder and lawyer, Harmeet Dhillon about how Facebook censored and supressed he Hunter Biden laptop story just before the 2020 election. {Direct Rumble Link} – WATCH:

8 Comments on Zuckerberg Implies FBI Told Platform to Intercept Hunter Biden Laptop Story

  1. Sure is an awful lot of “cover your own ass” stories lately in regards to the federal government lying their asses off about every topic under the sun. Social Media updating TOS to now allow questioning government dictates’?? WTF is going on…


  2. Goes a very long way to explain why THE UNIPARTY is spending $billions to help Hunter’s long time partner in Ukraine.

    UNIPARTY has defended its own for 60 years. Ukraine hows it still is!

  3. I believe him, BUT he was gladly & Happily willing.

    He most likely also knows that the Demos are going to get walloped in November and the Next President will offer him no quarter.

    The “I was just following orders” Defense doe not cut it. Also his stock price & revenue has been getting shat upon for a while.

    Little Bastardo

  4. Miranda Devine was on Bannon today talking with Navarro. She accused Facebook of being the first to censure the Hunter laptop store, without the FBI’s encouragement and she’d know being the lead reporter on the story for NY Post since the beginning. She found Zuckerberg evasive and deceptive in his answers, like he’s trying to establish a cover for his platform’s crimes.

    Yet another social media outlet I avoid and am more informed for having done so.


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