Bumped- An iOTWreport Memorial Day Tradition – IOTW Report

Bumped- An iOTWreport Memorial Day Tradition

Tammy and iOTWreport invites everyone to enjoy this speech by her friend and WWII veteran, marine, Marshall E. Harris.  


May 31st, 2010


Today, the last Monday in May—Memorial Day—is a time for us to honor those who fought, bled and died in the service to our nation. It also is a time to rejoice in those who still live and remember our fallen comrades!! And it is a day to mark the graves and remember veterans of the past who are no longer with us.

So ladies and gentlemen, today let’s remember those thousands of men and women of the military over the last 234 years, have paid the price to strengthen the ramparts that protect freedom for all America.
With humble admiration, respect, and reverence, patriotic Americans everywhere will honor their memory—the memory of those who fought and died to keep our nation free of tyranny.

All veterans who have been in harms way will reflect on the loss of comrades in arms, and renew the pledge to keep alive the memory of departed comrades.
On this day each year we all remember fathers, brothers, sisters, husbands, sons and daughters, relatives or friends who were lost at sea or returned home in caskets covered with the American Flag.

My memory of armed conflict goes back 66 years to Saipan, the Tinian and Iwo Jima. Now, at 85, the pledge to keep the memory alive of those that paid the final price has become a pivotal point in almost all I do and say!!! There is a flag pole in my front yard and during the warm summer months, usually at the break of dawn, I wander out into the yard and look up at those stars and stripes waving in the breeze (and yes, there is also a United States Marine Flag below), I stop, pause and just for a fleeting moment I’m on Saipan, Tinian or

Iwo Jima and the names flash by–Bob, Lewis, Caldwell, McDaniel, Bistline, Evans, Oftidal, Lt. Michaels, Major Bevans—and then I’m back.
Can’t help it, that’s just the way it is.
This is why memorial day, flag day Veteran’s Day, the Fourth of July are so important to our nation—a time to reflect on our heroes of the past.

Perhaps before we get too far along we should go back about 147 years to a time when America was in its darkest hours, a
most painful time in American history—The Civil War—or, as most folks in the South prefer to call it, “the war between the States”.

A heart-warming story of how Memorial Day, as we know it, might have started, on the site of a bloody battle on the outskirt of Columbus, Mississippi 1863.
A group of women walked among the fresh graves. They carried wildflowers to lay on the graves of their Confederate soldiers who were buried there. As they moved from one grave to another, they noticed another group of graves off to one side. These Graves were clearly the graves of Union soldiers who had died in the same battle on the same field of battle. With little hesitation and very little discussion they began to lay their flowers on those graves as well. The compassion of those Southern ladies for those who died fighting against their husbands, their fathers and their own sons gave a clear message that in DEATH, all are equal!!
This small gesture was passed on by word of mouth. Union and Confederate soldiers alike were touched by this simple act of honor, and the healing of a nation slowly began to take place!
Just a few years later a union veterans organization called the Grand Old Army of the Republic, decided to designate a special day to honor the fallen from both sides.
The following order was issued:
“The 30th day of May, 1868 and each year hereafter is designated for the purpose of strewing with flowers or otherwise decorating the graves of

comrades who died on the field of battled during that terrible conflict, whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village and hamlet churchyard in the land. We should guard their graves with sacred vigilance”.
17th President, Andrew Johnson, who followed Lincolns Presidency, issued the order. Present day, instead of the 30th of May it is the last Monday in May.

So no in the present day, on this last Monday in May, the cemeteries in cities, towns villages, and small country hamlets will be dotted with small flags, to show that a Veteran of past wars is buried there.

The sounds of rifle salutes will pierce the silence, and in our Nation’s Capitol, a 21-gun salute to the departed Veterans of all wars will fill the air with plumes of smoke, and a fighter squadron of military jets, in missing man formation, will roar through the skies over those green rolling hills of Arlington National Cemetery!!

And in the quiet silence of those thousands in attendance, a wreath will be laid on the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Then, at a certain moment, when all is quiet, the haunting sound of taps will break the silence, and echo in our hearts and minds the unmistakable reminder of the sacrifices our Nation’s sons and daughters of the Armed Forces have made for devotion to duty—love of their country—the preservation and protection of freedom throughout our nation and the world!

He very freedoms we enjoy on a daily basis were bought and paid for with their lives.

When our forefathers, who wrote the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, The Articles and amendments, knew that the cause of freedom is the cause of God, and that personal liberty is the paramount essential to human dignity and human happiness. Their writings embodied freedom of the press, freedom of speech, freedom to worship, freedom from want,

freedom from fear, freedom of assembly. Those freedoms propelled our nation to greatness and served as a guiding light for democracy for 234 years. On this special day each year, we thank God for young men and women who will come forth and protect those freedoms.

Our forefathers gave us the words, then we ask???

Who paid the price of freedom???
It was an American soldier in World War I as he went over the top of a trench in France and was shot and killed.
It was a sailor lost at sea when his ship was torpedoed.
A Marine caught in a cross fire in a firefight in Vietnam who came home to his Mom and Dad in a coffin, covered with the American flag.

Who gave us the freedom to worship in our own way?
It was the fighter pilot who went down in flames.
A sailor who died as a kamikaze suicide plane slammed into his ship off Okinawa.
Or a soldier who took a bullet on Normandy Beach, June 6, 1944!
They all fought, bled, and died so that the words our forefathers put in the constitution would remain unaltered through time!

No victory is without its unsung heroes. And in 234 years, our Nation has given up 662,000 of our military defending that constitution and our freedoms—truly unsung heroes!!
17 million men and women served in the Second World War, in harms way, all over the world. Our Nation gave up 408,000 killed in action and 115,000 in non-hostile deaths. Additionally, 671,846 wounded came home to fill hospitals in America.

Serving in the Marine Corps in the capture of Saipan, Tinian and that hellish battle on Iwo Jima, I was one of the lucky ones who survived, with nothing

more than a scar on my left arm, and a right leg that makes me walk a little awkward. Saipan, Tinian and Iwo Jima were just THREE of hundreds of battles that took place all over the world. I speak mostly of those three Islands because of lost buddies, and thousands unknown, whose names will never be forgotten, as comrades in arms.

They cannot speak for themselves. I feel in my heart and soul that the words spoken here would be echoed by those thousand who paid the price of freedom during WW2 and the 36,568 who took their last breath in Korea, the 58,204 men and women of the armed services that came home to their families from Vietnam, in coffins, covered with the American flag, and the thousands of our military who died in the current conflict, the war against terror.

The freedoms we are talking about today are so deeply embedded in the moral fabric of our Nation that we, as a Nation of free people,
will suffer any hardship—
make any sacrifices—

pay any price—
endure any pain—
and die in battle, if necessary to stay FREE.

Throughout our 234 years of history, no issue has had a more positive effect on our well being than our National heritage—our freedoms.
And throughout our history, no issue has cost more in military lives, rained havoc on our financial stability, incited and inflamed our citizenry more, than the threat of losing that heritage—our freedoms!!

We have always been a Nation of dignity, morality and faith in our government, generous and friendly to our neighbors, and those across both oceans.

But when our freedoms are threatened either on the domestic front or from enemies abroad, things change overnight!! And our Nation pulls out all stops to defend and keep our freedoms intact.

Five days into the battle for Iwo Jima, casualties had been unbelievably high, progress had been slow, and Iwo Jima was taken one hundred yards at a time. A time we all knew we were in real trouble.
Then, on the way back to our command post for more ammunition and fuel for our tank, there was a small flag being raised on top of Surabachi.

Five guys from 2nd BN 28th Marines—5th Marine Division.
WOW, the little flag that gave us all a shot in the arm a reason to fight on! Chuck Lindberg, whose image stands out on this memorial for all Veterans, was one of the Marines who raised the first flag.
That was the flag that gave us all a shot in the arm, a reason to go on amidst the slaughter that was taking place all around us. Marines and sailors and CB’s cheered, ships whistles all around the island sounded, and in the middle of “hell on earth” there was hope!!
It was the first American flag to be raised on Japanese soil in World War II!! The killing went on for 30 more days and in the end, all but 213 of the 23,000 enemy troops had been destroyed.
Military victory, I suppose you could say.
Victory, yes, but glorious victory, not.
There was no glory in that victory!!

They would not know that their sacrifice substantially shortened the war. They would not know that their sacrifices saved over 25, 000 airmen from crashing into the cold North Pacific by making emergency landings on Iwo Jima, that tiny volcanic island they fought, bled and died for.

They would not know that their contribution in taking Iwo Jima cleared the skies of enemy aircraft so that the Enola Gay and the Boxcar, the two B-29’a

could safely reach Japan and return after dropping their nuclear bombs, bringing Japan to their knees and abruptly ended the war!!
And they would not know that invading Japan with millions of our military would no longer be necessary, saving millions of God’s children on both sides.

But, ladies and gentlemen, WE KNOW.
Yes, we know.
As their sacrifices were joined with the 622,000 American military who gave their lives during the last 234 years, fighting for the oppressed millions of the world and protecting America’s lasting legacy—our FREEDOMS.

In closing, I want to relate the charge given to all as the hostilities wound down on Iwo Jima.
We went over to where the graves division had erected a white picket fence enclosing those thousands of white crosses marking the location of those temporary graves of those killed in action. In body bags, sealed in a wooden coffin, lying in wait for a time after the war when they would all be brought home to their families and loved ones.

They came from all corners of America—Hispanic, Jewish, Italian, Indian, colored, and white, rich and poor.
Together, as one unit, they fought to make a difference.
That, ladies and gentlemen, is the purest and highest form of democracy.

Hear the word of our Chaplin as we stood there at attention.
He said,
“Any man among us, the living, the survivors of this carnage, this massacre, this unthinkable display of death and destruction, who fails to understand our sacred obligation and duty to keep their memory alive will thereby betray those who lie here dead”.
Then added these words:

“Whoever lifts a hand against his brother in hate, makes of their bloody sacrifices, an empty, hollow mockery”.
Words that will echo in our minds until we die.

What I just related to you was only taking place on a tiny dot in the Pacific as the battle wound down. The same honor and respect was taking place in battle areas all over Europe, where Americans had given it all for the freedom of the world.

Today is the day for remembering respect and honor.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for listening, and May God Bless America!!!

33 Comments on Bumped- An iOTWreport Memorial Day Tradition

  1. God bless to the rest of the Veterans here.

    And yes, I live on one of those little spots on
    the map. All of my Grand Uncles were drafted into
    the Marines in the ’40s and fought here in the islands.
    I cannot express the hate they learned from that fighting.

    God bless.

  2. Always Faithful, isn’t just a quaint saying.

    Our sacred obligation and duty is to keep their memory alive, live an honorable life, a life they sacrificed for all of us who remain.

    To all who served, Semper Fi

  3. A heartfelt Thank You to my Grand Father who, at 15, lied on his entry form and joined the Marines (have a copy of it), to my Uncles who fought in various wars, to All who have upheld freedom for the sake of others and passed on, I thank you dearly. May GOD keep you in the palm of his hand.

  4. Footnote:

    The reason that 99% ‘Japs’ died is that they did not want to surrender, so you know what that meant?

    FLAME THROWERS into dug in tunnels.

    “Victory, yes, but glorious victory, not.
    There was no glory in that victory!!”

  5. @Extirpates – I just read your son-in-law’s obituary. He appears to be a great guy. I hope your daughter and grandson are doing well. Sincerely…..

  6. Joe6pak, thanks for posting the video of John Prine singing Hello In There. That was my favorite John Prine album that I bought when I was 18 back in early 1972. Hello In There, Sam Stone and But Your Flag Decal Won’t Get You Into Heaven Anymore are some of my favorite John Prine songs that still evoke memories of that time. My mom’s older brother Bob was with the 5th Marine Division at Iwo Jima and witnessed the American flag being raised on Mt. Suribachi from about 100 yards away. He survived the battle and WW2 and lived until the early 90’s. Thanks to all the veterans out there both living and dead who gave so much to this country and to the world as well, it’s a debt we can never repay. God bless us all.

  7. My grandad flew military supply planes during ww II. He died tragically 8 years ago, but I’m still very proud.

    And my great grandfather served in the navy during the same war. He died back in ’04. Great guy, very twinkly eyes.

  8. What? Fighting wars for the military industrial complex and mega-rich bankers via stooge presidents like WW, FDR, LBJ. and GWB?? Give me a frickin’ break. It’s time for conservatives to wake up and quit getting manipulated by their corrupt politicians. Fighting for “freedom” has caused our slavery as much as socialist policies. (It’s called “Plan B”.) We haven’t fought a defensive war since 1812. I know most of you will not get rid of your arrogance and CORRECT YOUR PERCEPTION but It’s WAY PAST TIME to change your paradigm.

  9. Looks like anonymous has all of us, as well as all foreign affairs pretty well figured out. Too bad we don’t know who he/she so we can thank him/her.

  10. Memorial Day is also a call to honor all who served; including those who survived, those who were disabled , & those who died, by remembering not all who are a danger to our freedom are foreign, carry a firearm, fired a missile or dropped a bomb. And doing our bit at home that their victory be permanent , and not just a time delay till tyranny’s victory.

    For a reason our oaths of office also include a pledge to defend against domestic enemies. Which includes;educators who teach the young to hate their own country, disrespect our many great national leaders, jackasses who claim all wars were to empower the military-industrial complex, or to enrich bankers, congressmen who would support laws that allow our country to be overrun by foreigners to fast to assimilate and learn / desire to be Americsns, ( or those who provide greater benefits to those who refuse to assimilate ), and directors of powerful federal agencies that would conspire to remove a lawfully elected president from office.

    To honor those we remember today don’t let the sacrifice of their time, health or life by not allowing the country be destroyed from within by ignorant, or the evil among us.

  11. Mrs Chiggerbug and I have worn our Gold Stars all day. We are not the only ones who have suffered such a loss. May God protect all who are serving and no more Gold Stars, nor flag draped caskets, nor folded flags be given to family members.

  12. Great speech. Thanks for posting.

    P.S. – Avoid clicking the link on the “le chateau guillestre” comment above. Norton Antivirus says it contains malware.

  13. Is anyone familiar with the novel Unbroken??

    My 13 year old son told me about it around the camp fire this past weekend, incredible story, left me speechless what this guy went through, put on the list of those who should have not made it back:


    Here is a local town that lost a few to the past…and to those that made it back that honor THEM.


    Thanks for re-posting @ BFH!

  14. My Bt lost 6 (four at one time)in 2013. I went to Basic with one. We had to refit our trucks in Bagram at the same time their bodies were about to be shipped back, and I carried one of them onto a C130 in a coffin. I don’t know which one, but I hope it was Nichols. Can Do!

  15. I have seen that pic (Suribachi) on the wall of many offices I’ve been in the last 65 years. I always ask a similar question, “Who is the Jarhead?”

    Las month I got my very last colonoscopy (hot dog!). The results were typical. The RN prepping me looked at me ??? I pointed the pic. She said “Oh Tommy , he is in the reserves.” I said send him in.

    I then spent the next 15 min showing Tommy each of my scars and how I got ‘em. Tommy said had I been bladed in the Jaw today they may have done better than my “Doc” did. Saying “I”m HM3 “Doc” Tommy” I then went to sleep.

    As I remember there were 7 men raising the flag. 4 of them never saw the sun rise again. Another never saw America again! But 74 years ago the NYT said we were white nationalist murders! I am old but I was not there. But I had relatives nearby.
    HST saved MILLIONS OF LIVES ON ALL SIDES! The bombs were good for all! I repeat THE BOMBS SAVED MILLIONS OF LIVES!

  16. Dad was an early Vietnam vet. He got out and joined the Air Guard. I got to go to the sandbox a couple of times with the the Air Guard. Dad taught me this was a solemn holiday. Maybe a parade or putting out flags at a Veteran’s cemetery. There were no BBQ’s or parties. Most of the time it was watching old war movies. Memorial Day is not a “happy” holiday, it is a reverent holiday.

  17. My father was a side gunner in a B24. Flew 36 mission, 3 tours. Part of the Lucky Bastards Club. The crew started in Benghazi of all places. Chasing Rommel. Then quickly moved to England. The crew flew Ploesti before they left.
    About ten years ago I’m sitting in my office and my office manager walks in an says she has some guy on the line asking about your dad. Something to do with Sweet Pea. That was the name of my dads plane. His father was the pilot and he was attempting to find the plane, and find the crew members family. What they did was historic. He sent me a picture I’d never seen of the flight crew and I recognized dad immediately. Love to share that pic. Have no idea how to do that.

  18. Toujours Pret for my dad, 2nd Cavalry Regiment. I don’t know how he did all this. World War II enlisted, volunteered for Korea, did a Col. Kurtz and volunteered for Viet Nam in his early 50’s. Probably had to a break from my mother. Died in ’74. Buried in Arlington. God rest his soul.


2 Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. iOTWreport Friend, WWII Veteran, Marshall Harris is Depressed To Think We Have Neo-Nazis Marching in America – IOTW Report
  2. Well Wished to Marshall Harris – IOTW Report

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