Broadway Actress Accuses Dustin Hoffman of ‘Horrific’ Sexual Misconduct – IOTW Report

Broadway Actress Accuses Dustin Hoffman of ‘Horrific’ Sexual Misconduct

Big Hollywood: Writing for the Hollywood Reporter, actress Kathryn Rossetter claims that while on Broadway performing Death of a Salesmanwith Dustin Hoffman in 1983, the actor repeatedly groped her and at one point ran his hand high enough up her thigh “to stick his fingers inside me.”

In response to the allegations, Hoffman’s attorney got THR in touch with seven members of the cast and crew, who “questioned her account.”

Stage manager Tom Kelly said, “It just doesn’t ring true. Given my position, it’s insulting to say this kind of activity would go on to the extent of sexual violation.

Kathryn Rossetter and Dustin Hoffman

Included in the story is a photograph of Hoffman cupping her breast, something Rossetter claims he almost always did whenever they posed together for a picture. She says he always removed his hand just before the photo was snapped, but on this one occasion he was caught in the act.  more

29 Comments on Broadway Actress Accuses Dustin Hoffman of ‘Horrific’ Sexual Misconduct

  1. The 60s sexual revolution’s unintended consequences. When society turned it’s back on religion, chivalry and propriety, this is what we got after a couple of generations.
    Suck it up buttercup. You have reaped what your parents sowed.

  2. The 60s sexual revolution’s unintended consequences. This is what you get when you reject religion, chivalry, and propriety.
    Suck it up buttercup. You have reaped what your parents sowed.

  3. He always cupped my breast but… Always? Any she always let him? He decided to go to second base, and she didn’t stop him? And after all these years she’s decided something’s not right? Is all of Hollywood this slow? Or just those who allowed themselves to be used to advance their careers.

  4. @Judge Roy is absolutely correct. Back in 1983 men were men and women were glad. and no meant no. If the woman didn’t say no, or stop it was the steal sign from the third base coach.
    Don’t come whining 30+ years later if you have regrets.

    You could have stopped it with a simple word. We were horny, but we were gentlemen.

  5. I remember when women would slap the shit out of a guy that got “fresh”. Did they all forget how or didn’t mom pass that lesson on?

    The guy that got slapped either never tried that again with that girl, or he married her.

  6. Even if she felt like she HAD to work with him or whatever, she probably should have punched him in the eye in front of witnesses. She may not have a job in showbidness for a while, but she would certainly have been the center of attention when he showed up on camera with black eyes and she was grinning like- “yeah, that was alll me, baby.” lol.

  7. “You could have stopped it with a simple word. We were horny, but we were gentlemen.”

    Hollywood is a different story. They’re not actually civilized men and don’t think decency and rules apply to them. Sounds harsh to say, but she wanted to keep working and so she’s half to blame for allowing the continuing abuse. After the first few times and saying WTF or stop it didn’t work, she should have walked away or did something about it. She had choices and she chose poorly.

  8. My sister was being harassed by a guy back in the 60’s. He followed her home and walked up the steps right behind her. So she swung around her wood tennis racket with the wood frame and hit his arm and cracked it in two places. After screaming like a baby he left and walked home and had a cast the next day.
    He never came by again. No cops no lawsuit no nothing.


    Hollywood (Sodom) and Washington (Gomorrah) are completely UNAUTHORIZED to finger-wag anyone. I don’t want to hear any “tut-tutting” from any of these degenerates.

    They are just mad their accepted culture is exposed for who they really are.

  10. Enough already. Just publish the much, much shorter list of the Hollywood / Goverment Capitols crowd who never did anything inappropriate, it will probably only be a dozen or so. Then declare / assume all the rest guilty of something.

    Then later let someone index the long list of names into: those only guilty of boorish rude behavior to those suspected of actual serious criminal sexual misconduct. Provide a probability rating for each of them. From the only accused to those with substantial circumstantial evidence of guilt.

  11. I think these are the Jewish guys who buy their Son’s a Hooker as a sweet Sixteen !
    Their Jewish Wives are for Breeding a Jewish (from the Mother )bloodline, the Hot chick’s are for their Pleasure once they get power !

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