Congress Demands Investigation Into Obama Admin Meddling in Foreign Elections – IOTW Report

Congress Demands Investigation Into Obama Admin Meddling in Foreign Elections


A group of leading senators is calling on newly installed Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to immediately launch an investigation into efforts by the Obama administration to sway foreign elections by sending taxpayer funds to “extreme and sometimes violent political activists” that promote leftist causes, according to a copy of the letter.

The lawmakers disclosed multiple conversations with foreign diplomats who outlined active political meddling by the Obama administration’s State Department, including the use of taxpayer funds to support leftist causes in Macedonia, Albania, Latin America, and Africa.

A portion of this State Department funding appears to have gone to organizations supported by the controversial liberal billionaire George Soros, according to the letter, which was authored by Republican Sens. Mike Lee (Utah), Jim Inhofe (Okla.), Thom Tillis (N.C.), Ted Cruz (Texas), David Perdue (Ga.), and Bill Cassidy (La.).

The senators are asking Tillerson to launch a full-scale investigation into these funding efforts in order to determine how exactly the Obama administration sought to promote left-leaning causes and political parties across the globe.

The latest disclosures of this activity mirror efforts by the Obama administration to send taxpayer funds to Israeli organizations that opposed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the country’s last election.

Political leaders from a range of nations spent months informing the lawmakers about these activities.

“Over the past few months, elected officials and political leaders of foreign nations have been coming to me with disappointing news and reports of U.S. activity in their respective countries,” Lee said in a statement. “This includes reports of diplomats playing political favorites, USAID funds supporting extreme and sometimes violent political activists, and the U.S. government working to marginalize the moderates and conservatives in leadership roles.”

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20 Comments on Congress Demands Investigation Into Obama Admin Meddling in Foreign Elections

  1. It’s good that Obama will get $60 million for his book deal, he’ll need it for attorneys. He no longer has DOJ, Hillary or the FBI covering his corruption or international coup d’état.

  2. AA, TRex is a serious MoFo. That’s all that matters. I wish him luck. I hope he’s looking for a head on a pole. It’ll take one serious MoFo to get thru the bull shit. Of all of Trumps admin TRex impresses the most. A serious Mutha fxcker. The mans got a lot on his plate.

  3. Rex is on record for openly admitting that Global Warming is real and has advocated for a “carbon tax” while CEO of Exxon. I don’t have a link but Rush talked about it today.

    For what it’s worth, this makes him very small in my estimate.

  4. If I recall correctly, Tillerson gave the nod to the idea that human’s industrial/consumer activities naturally contribute to the carbon output and that is a part of the global environment. A completely Tillerson kind of response. But, if you were making a judgement about him over this one issue, that’s too bad because he’s a giant of a human being.

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