Does Hillary Clinton Wear a Catheter? – IOTW Report

Does Hillary Clinton Wear a Catheter?

Looks like Hillary’s using a catheter.

I wasn’t big on the defibrillator claim, but I am buying this one.


Because at the debate Hillary wouldn’t go into the bathroom with another woman. I fund that strange. Now there’s a plausible explanation.

cath Screen Shot 2016-08-17 at 10.37.21 AM

ht/ fdr in hell

45 Comments on Does Hillary Clinton Wear a Catheter?

  1. She did (or does) have something on her torso. A catheter also fits in with the pillows everybody’s seeing now, suggesting kidney problems.

    She may die on the campaign trail (no joke).

  2. I think Gateway Pundit was the first site I read that suggested the reason for her big Mao style jackets is that they are long and boxy enough to hide her backside because she has the wear Depends. Maybe the adult diapers aren’t working now and they had to switch to a catheter. Good god! She is insane as well as ill if she has to be President this badly under these physical conditions.

  3. I am now starting to believe that the health of this woman is severely compromised. My question would be what happens if she collapses and either goes into coma, is deathly ill or actually dies (although I think a wooden stake and holy water would be needed to confirm that diagnosis) say a week before the actual election. What happens?

  4. I see them advertised on TV and I always wonder why anyone would need one. That would be like carrying around a colostomy bag hoping it doesn’t get loose. Heard one did when a TSA went to inspect. He got a handful of shit. LMAO!

  5. scr_north August 17, 2016 at 12:20 pm

    What happens?

    Well, if she croaks she gets a funeral and they gotta scramble for a replacement. Either way, Hillary loses.

    “As questions abound over Hillary’s “mental and physical stamina,” the Clinton campaign has come out swinging blasting any concerns over the presidential candidate’s strange behaviors as “deranged conspiracy theories” adding that Trump was “simply parroting lies.” But, if the Clinton campaign thought they could brush this off with their media pals’ help, think again as TruePundit is offering an unprecedented reward of $1 Million (One Million Dollars US) for Clinton’s true medical records.”


  7. @Czar…

    I see via Breitbart where the Hillary camapign has debunked the fake medical records which they themselves put out there:

    “Trump is once again peddling deranged conspiracy theories in a desperate attempt to change the subject – this time with absurd and debunked claims about Hillary Clinton’s health,”

    Note how they didn’t say “absurd and debunked claims about Hillary Clinton’s ILLNESS.”

    Team Hillary is the only one making absurd and debunked claims about her health.

  8. scr_north August 17, 2016 at 12:20 pm

    What happens?

    – – –

    The Powers That Be order up some major disaster to “happen” around the same time, throwing D.C. into pre-fab turmoil (death of a candidate alone probably wouldn’t be enough to derail 2016; there is Kaine now, after all).

    Media goes warp 10 scaring the crap out of everyone 24/7. All media coverage of Trump ceases immediately in order to cover “the crisis of our time.”

    Obama runs a special powers act of some kind by Congress to delay the election indefinitely “due to unprecedented crisis.” Dems stampede to approve it, Republicans bend over or stampede to approve it.

    Many people who would have voted for Trump see exactly what is going on but finally give up once and for all. Let It Burn really comes into its own.

    When the election is eventually reinstated, the GOP will be unable/unwilling to mount anything close to a conservative candidate.

    Leftist pre-fab disruption/enforcer mobs will have gained even more funding and force. Law enforcement comes under even more attacks.

    The Dem candidate (won’t matter who) sweeps it. We know what happens then. Barring the triggering of the Founder’s Fail-Safe on a scale big enough to make a difference, the country is locked into Leftist control forever.

    Within one year of all that — two at the most — international agreements will remove from existence every site like this one in the name of continuing security, or somehow restrict access to them to make them inaccessible to most people.

    Utopia finally arrives. Stalin and Mao were dress rehearsals. The bodies begin to pile up in earnest worldwide.

    I dare anyone to tell me this is an implausibly far out scenario.

  9. Party animal doctors will catheterize themselves so they don’t have to stop to pee while going on drinking binges or poker marathons or baseball games or whatever activity where it’s inconvenient to go pee.

    Pretty hard core but for a DR it’s no big deal they have the equipment and supplies and do it without thinking or … flinching.

  10. I bet that last “Anonymous” was Nurse Ratched from One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest.

    “If Mr. Grool doesn’t want to take his medication orally, I’m sure we can arrange that he can have it some other way.”


  11. @willygoatsgruff — ha! The corrected commenter reminded me of that Brian Regan line, “I were waiting for you! Where was you at?!” (Just having that kind of day. Thought it was hilarious — your correction.)

  12. So, now that you don’t have to have marriage limited to a male and a female, one can go into whatever restroom one wants to, one can define oneself by whatever gender one wants, what difference does it make that she is supposed to be the first woman nominated by a major political party for president?
    Couldn’t Bruce Jenner also run as a woman?

  13. If she has a medical condition that is nothing to joke about. Not her or anyone else for that matter. Donald Trumps rectum is under his wig and you do not see liberals being cruel to him in the media.

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  1. The Clinton Conundrum Just Got Better – Now There’s Some Pillow Talk | ukgovernmentwatch

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