Fiorina Drops Out – IOTW Report

Fiorina Drops Out

Carly Fiorina has just announced that she is dropping out of the Presidential race tonight. That makes two today, including Chris Christie.

20 Comments on Fiorina Drops Out

  1. I’m a little surprised by this one, she just came out with a passionate, strongly-worded statement last week saying she was in it for the long haul and WAS NOT dropping out. Did she run out of money, or maybe strike a deal with Trump or Cruz?

  2. I like her. She was an intelligent presence and made a lot of good points.
    Too bad she was not able to stand out from the other Dwarves.
    This is Trump’s election.
    But lots of appointed senior positions are soon to become vacant where she could serve her country well.

  3. I have to disagree that she would have been good against Hillary.

    First of all, they BOTH have vaginas.
    MEANING: their one most cogent “talking point” is moot. Take it away (please!), and they have nothing to offer.

    Hillary has – if no longer the energy and intensity – the ability to kill, metaphorically (and…ahem…otherwise). Snarly, in comparison, comes across as whiny and weak.

    Good news that the herd is thinning.

  4. Unfortunately NH didn’t drive a stake through YEB’s heart; now we still have to suffer through his BS. Rush called it; Fox was treating his 10% (or whatever it was) like a major victory!

  5. Soft on islime, soft on the global warming scam, no fall back for the lay offs at HP. Very polished, of course, but high end corporate training in presentations, public speaking etc. can do that.

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