Fuming Bernie supporters: Why is CNN deleting our comments? – IOTW Report

Fuming Bernie supporters: Why is CNN deleting our comments?

ANSWER: BECAUSE THEY ARE LEFTIES!!!! Live by the delete, die by the delete.

Media Equalizer-

Seeing their comments repeatedly deleted by CNN, Bernie Sanders supporters are hopping mad today.

Already feeling the news network’s coverage had become rabidly pro-Hillary in the aftermath of last night’s debate, Facebook users leaving reactions on CNN’s page are now continually re-posting them, knowing they will be quickly removed. There are hundreds in a seeming battle with the network, with no explanation as to why.

Some users and messages appear to be specifically targeted, especially those accusing CNN of having conflicts of interest that make it naturally inclined to back Hillary.

In particular, they’re citing last night’s initial Facebook poll data showing Bernie had won the debate handily. They are claiming the network is now burying that information in today’s coverage.



16 Comments on Fuming Bernie supporters: Why is CNN deleting our comments?

  1. Gee that breaks my heart-now they’re getting a small taste of the vile brew conservatives have been fed for the last 40 years.

    That’s why we’re getting our news from the intrawebs-the alphabets are a freaking joke-seriously, who watches that shit? Expecting them to be fair, even when you’re a REgressive, is a non-starter.

    I’ve often wondered why anyone on our side even bothers with them but watching Trump play them like fiddles has been a thing of beauty. Carson too.

  2. Not to mention the whole MSNBC, “Hillary Wins!” platitudes. This was a socialist/communist fest, with the idea that if Hillary can go non-shrill, then the headlines are already written. Yet the commie, Bernie, earned the Carlie Fiorina award for best runner up. It couldn’t be more scripted by the press.

    It was truly amazing how Bernie went toe-to-toe and even out maneuvered her at times and the people’s republic of the US loved Bernie more than Hillary in the polls but Hillary got all the kudos in the People’s Press. Go figure? The Press may want Hillary?

  3. It seems like Trump meshes best with those that have conservative or moderate tendencies and also that Bernie meshes best with the flaming leftists.

    True believers on either side.

    The interesting thing is that Trump is pulling solidly from many different demographics while Bernie is just pulling from the whacko socialist/communist crowd.

    And there isn’t anything appealing anywhere in between. Not HEB, not HILL.


  4. These poor fools don’t yet realize that Bernie has had The Talk with the Clintons, and his job is now to shepherd his flock into the Clinton sheepfold. Their bleating is reminiscent of the Hillaroids during the 2008 Democrat Superdelegate shenanigans. But don’t worry, little leftist lambs. You’ll find find Hillary likeable enough eventually.

  5. I’ve had no less than 15 accounts banned by CNN moderators, I think that’s an accomplishment that’s resume worthy. I’ve even kept all the notifications of the banning, each one an individualized trophy. This was back around 07-08, I haven’t clicked a CNN link since.

  6. Has anyone noticed the hatred from the left’s presidential candidates vs Trump’s “they’re stupid” or “they’re puppets” but they’re nice guys?

    The left want to silence or preferably eradicate anyone who disagrees with them. Trump calls them out – admittedly in a street fighter way – but treats it as a disagreement in philosophy, not a death sentence for the other party.

  7. You get no sympathy here.

    Welcome to my world. A world in which newspapers and other media delete your comments if they don’t like them and if you repost them they delete or block your access to post.

  8. the problem with posting on lefty sites is the other posters have their fingers in their ears and are always going “na na na na na” to drown out any opposing thoughts from coming through.

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