Good Friday Documentary – The Shroud of Turin – IOTW Report

8 Comments on Good Friday Documentary – The Shroud of Turin

  1. The real problem is that the image is 2D like a painting or a photograph.
    Were it an impression from something laid on the face, the face image would be wider than it is tall. Just imagine if the skin was taken off your face and flattened out on a table. That is how the image would look.
    Also, the center fop the face would have been distorted by the nose pushing the cloth.
    It is also important to note that the above statement has been made to the people working on the shroud many times, but their response is to mutter something about ‘divine’ then pretend the issue didn’t exist.
    This looks a lot like an attempt to paint Christians as not very bright.

  2. This video refutes some of the so-called scientific studies on the carbon-dating of the shroud. If you don’t want to sit through the whole thing, go to about the 15:10 mark and see how these crooked scientiest got a million pounds for their results. Reminds me of the “climate change” so-called scientists. They’ll come up with whatever result you pay them for.

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