Hillary Directly Involved In Inciting Violence at Trump Rallies – IOTW Report

Hillary Directly Involved In Inciting Violence at Trump Rallies

She also violates law by coordinating with PACS.

27 Comments on Hillary Directly Involved In Inciting Violence at Trump Rallies

  1. How many illegal activities, and how much corruption will it take before libs realize the damage that is being done will eventually affect them? And the NeverTrumpers, what the hell are you gaining by undermining the only candidate that has a chance to bring any meaningful change to Washington D.C.?

  2. Am I right? “That Bitch”.

    She’s a bitch alright. But this wouldn’t be happening except the Uni Party Oligarchy Elites allows it to happen with out any repercussions. We need to burn this shit down.

  3. Gosh, I bet she’s just shakin in her l’il boots worried that the DoJ, FEC, and FBI are gonna come crashing through her door!

    Here they come! Uhh … real soon now! Uhh … I think they’re coming … uhh … I heard that they MIGHT be interested in uncovering illegal activity … no … that was just my stomach rumbling …

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Yeah, you’re damn right I’m pissed off! There is enough intent, and direct violations of dozens of laws to lock up the Clintons and half the people they have ever known. All the damn deadbeats, freeloaders, and parasites can’t stand the thought of their Santa Clause getting locked up.

  5. “…there’s more to come.”

    I can’t wait. One of these videos is going to cause Hillary and her rat minions to stroke out. You’ve been schlonged Hillary – believe it.

  6. Unless there is a video of Hillary shooting an armed, gay, progressive/socialist, actor, black guy whose wife has had two abortions, and he was pimping for Bill, raped two young transvestite boys …..the Kool-Aid bunch will still vote for Hillary.
    It is an incurable sickness Hillary Voters have.

  7. Hillary’s story is like Al Capone. Everybody knew he was a bastard law breaker in every way, but it took one small trip up to get him. Not paying taxes on his illgotten funds, if I remember right.

    Where Hillary and Al differ is that the FBI was not bought off by Al.

  8. The *neatest* part about this video?
    In a court of Law, IT AIN’T “HEARSAY” no mo’…

    (from a poster “Howie” over at CTH):

    Rule 803. Exceptions to the Rule Against Hearsay

    (1) Present Sense Impression. A statement describing or explaining an event or condition, made while or immediately after the declarant perceived it.

    (5) Recorded Recollection. A record that:

    (A) is on a matter the witness once knew about but now cannot recall well enough to testify fully and accurately;

    (B) was made or adopted by the witness when the matter was fresh in the witness’s memory; and

    (C) accurately reflects the witness’s knowledge.

    If admitted, the record may be read into evidence but may be received as an exhibit only if offered by an adverse party.

  9. @Bad_Brad October 24, 2016 at 1:45 pm

    Who is this “we”? The United States of America has a population of over a quarter-of-a-billion people. It picks one President every four years. If the only solution is the perfect savior, being legitimately elected, to reign in The White House, then things are right on schedule. If a solution is, to paraphrase Marx, from each according to his ability, then you don’t need to wait for the perfect savior, you don’t need to wait for The Party’s permission, and you certainly don’t need to beg for attention on Facebook.

  10. Anonymous,

    We found an imperfect savior. But none the less a savior. And we are not willing to see him cheated out of a real chance to get our country back on track by the elites who could give zero fucks about the working class.

  11. the hag has to go all out now. If she doesnt win, we’re going to have to release all the pedophiles, rapists and murderers so there will be room for her and all her pals.

    am i being redundant?

  12. Having spent literally hours and hours reading through the Podesta emails, I am positive that right now, even as I write this, Hillary campaign team is furiously discussing this video (though, probably not via email). They’re all trying to get their ducks (pardon the pun) in a row and figuring out every syllable and punctuation mark of the statement they will release if asked. Though, I’m doubtful they’ll be asked.

    That Hillary will face no consequences for this is probably a foregone conclusion. The “press” won’t hold her to account, the FCC will turn a blind eye. And the FBI? They won’t even bother to look.

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