Hillary Drunk During Last Speech – IOTW Report

Hillary Drunk During Last Speech

Such a shame…

HT/ Riverlife Callie

38 Comments on Hillary Drunk During Last Speech

  1. @Petrus – though Rob Ford was a flawed human being, as are we all, he was a genuinely dedicated public servant. No one worked harder for the people than he did. I speak from personal experience. And he was a conservative. Just wanted to clear that up.

  2. p.s.
    I just noticed:
    although YOU made the video, you placed “h/t riverlife_callie”.
    (I mean, she’s nice and all…but)
    what have you got against shameless self-promotion?!?

  3. Jimmy Kimmel has been showing “drunk” Trump videos for months now. It’s about time Hellary got the same treatment. It reflects Hellary’s normal – either drunk as a skunk or high as a kite.
    Great job, BFH.

  4. Sounds like somebody slowed this video down. Heard part of this before and it seems like it was faster then. Wouldn’t put it past the old bag to BE half in the bag, rhough.

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