Hillary Skates – IOTW Report

Hillary Skates


FBI: Clinton ‘extremely careless’ about emails, shouldn’t be charged.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch said last week that she would accept the recommendations of Comey.


FBI ADMITS Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent – BUT THAT DOESN’T MATTER!!!! Clintons and their circle get to be “sloppy.”

“Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.” – James Comey

“Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.” – James Comey

“To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences.” – James Comey

Interpretation: We’re giving Hillary a free pass, but don’t YOU DARE DO WHAT SHE DID!!!!

full text is here

88 Comments on Hillary Skates

  1. I really hope Putin or whoever has those emails dumps them slowly at opportune times over the next several months. There was no way she was doing into the convention with an indictment hanging over her head. But listening to that heartless bitch shriek about how she is innocent and this was a witch hunt and waste of money while paling around with Obama is stomach turning.

  2. This is the same excuse used to not indict her in the Whitewater case.
    Too big to prosecute. Make yourself important enough and you can skate on anything. Bastards, basterds, bastards.

  3. Welcome to our banana republic. We’re fucking doomed.

    Dear Queen Elizabeth,
    Sorry for the little misunderstanding in 1776. We made a huge mistake. Would you consider taking back the colonies and abolishing our government? Since you’re moving in the direction of liberty and we’re racing towards tyranny can we get a mulligan?

  4. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. The Clinton’s and their allies at Justice and the FBI did a magnificent job orchestrating this thing so it would soak up all the negative attention, all the negative investigations or reiterations of her very bad behaviour to the point that everyone concentrated on this as the thing that would bring her down while all the time she knew it wouldn’t be a problem for her. Now watch her show some crocodile tears while apologising for being just kind of sloppy then whenever she gets an accusation of wrongdoing she’ll use this as a shield. I truly hate the woman but well played. I wonder who thought this one up?

  5. I can’t think of a single moment in my lifetime where Americans would have had more justification to take up arms against the government than now.

  6. On the bright side:
    this should give Trump a nice little bump;
    NO ONE except for the grossest Hillary drones
    will see this as correct, fair or legal.

  7. I held out a slim hope that Comey wouldn’t let these bastards compromise his principles. I was wrong. What a fucking turd. I could take a flame thrower to the whole fucking bunch and sleep like a baby.

    If she’s elected, we done.

  8. “Sloppy?” Sloppy is what Bill Clinton did with Monica Lawinski in the White House. What Hillary Clinton did was a felony and Comey admitted it.
    Not only that, he finished up by saying “Don’t think that if you do this you can get away with it, just the opposite.”

    We have become a pathetic banana republic. We need a revolution. Not a Bernie Sanders style revolution, but a revolution brings us back to the ethical constitutionally based republic that we were meant to be.


  9. Czar posted…NO ONE except for the grossest Hillary drones
    will see this as correct, fair or legal.

    She is greasy and they know it. Some how a Sat investigation gets results, over a holiday weekend, on the next weekday. No one, even her gross drones believes this is anything but a rigged outcome, they just don’t care. Oh, and no way Ash’s death was an accident – they just don’t care!

  10. So, all the talking heads are saying that it comes down to the words “sloppy,” and “gross negligence.” Gross negligence is in the statute as criminal activity. Sloppy is Chelsea Clinton’s face.

  11. Here’s how it went down
    A picture appears on Comey’s phone of his granddaughter, taken sometime during her day. Then a photoshopped Newspaper headline that says ‘Hilary Indicted’
    The text says ‘choose wisely’

  12. “Equal justice under law” is a phrase engraved on the front of the United States Supreme Court building in Washington D.C.

    It should be chiseled off the building.
    It no longer applies.

  13. You have just watched Obama’s Third Term get green-lighted. Obama knew the FBI had already caved. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have scheduled political trips with the bitch on Air Force 1.

  14. NOWWWWWW we know what the “tarmac meeting” was all about.

    Bill told Loretta that his people had found some really “interesting” things about her that she probably didn’t want to read about in the newspapers. He probably also told 0bama that he found a bunch of men in Chicago who had some interesting bath house stories they’d be willing to share with Baba Wawa and Leslie Stahl.

    The fix was in all along. Bubba just waited to set the hook, like the master angler he is.

    The rule of law: RIP.

  15. Going forward, her smug factor is going to be utterly unbearable.

    “See, it was all just this right-wing consiracy…..,”

    Will someone please assassinate this evil witch and put me out of my misery?

  16. And some people think J. Edgar Hoover was corrupt. What about the Clinton Foundation corruption case? Hard to believe that the fate of our country is now in the hands of our enemies. Please release the emails Mr. Putin.

  17. So, what are you going to do about it other than rant on the keyboard?
    How is voting for Trump going to fix this?
    Prepare yourself and those close to you.
    Pray if you’re so inclined. We have done nothing to be worthy of His help.
    A storm is here; no one is coming to help us but us.

  18. @Uncle Al: Nah, she’d just fall back on the old Liberal “I can’t help it, I was born this way” excuse.

    Otherwise known as the “Medusa Defense”.


  19. So the Dems’ presidential candidate’s banner is “She was careless and sloppy and endangered national security but not intentional- Vote Hillary 2016!”

    The thing is, that to the left and it’s constituency, including the media,endangering national security is a plus and a resume enhancer .

    We have the perfect leader for a post-constitutional, new world order,uniparty dictatorship..

  20. There is no choice between two evils this November. Hellary IS the evil to avoid. Hellary’s Coronation National Tour with Obama’s seal of approval, proves Trump right – the fix is in. Anyone voting for Crooked Hillary is supporting every criminal act she’s perpetrated. #BloodyHillary.

  21. Well the defendant didn’t mean to get a DUI, they were just sloppy with their alcohol intake. But don’t anybody else out there do it or you’ll feel the full boot of the law on your neck!

  22. Why didn’t Comey STFU before he made his recommendation? Now DOJ can say they are just following the FBI’s recommendation.
    With his recommendation, he just showed that his is another one of hussein’s lap dogs.
    This shows the two levels of justice in America, now days. There is the ‘Protected Elite” and us. If we did anything close to what hillary did we be behind bars.
    The FBI just made it to my list of disgraced federal agencies.

  23. As are many of you, I am a descendent of at least two men who participated in the American Revolution.

    My family members participated in the War of 1812, War between the States, WWI in Europe, Dad,WWII in the Pacific and my Uncle and I served in Vietnam. My son-in-law was in Kuwait & Iraq.

    I have a much greater understanding of the personal struggle of those who chose liberty and to be free of a tyrannical government in the mid to late 1700’s.

    I do believe we are facing the same struggle today. It saddens me to even think this, let alone to say it.

  24. ” no reasonable prosecutor would” work to have their name added to the Clinton Mafia Hit List. – James (not on that list, whew, because I’m a chickenshit bastard!) Comey

  25. I don’t want to be accused of being a Clinton apologist, but “equality under The Law” must apply to all, if it is to apply to any. If Hillary were actually prosecuted for merely cutting corners, then people who park trucks full of fertilizer and fuel oil next to government buildings would have to be prosecuted, as well. People who drop government employees brandishing guns, before they are given the chance to yell “Government agents!” would have to be prosecuted. All sorts of “honest” mistakes would have to become criminal cases, if “there is some chance other than 0.0000% that it COULD have been a mistake” were the hurdle for prosecution. Then where would we be.

  26. kilroy has a point, but she got off becasue this road led to the white house.
    People above her (think Soetoro) knew what was going on and may even have required it.
    The “Magic Negro” is untouchable.
    That is why hillary could be so smug about the situation from the start.

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