Lethal Force Used By Police Against 20 Year-Old “Boy” Brandishing Weapon – (Not Black, Move Along, Nothing To See) – IOTW Report

Lethal Force Used By Police Against 20 Year-Old “Boy” Brandishing Weapon – (Not Black, Move Along, Nothing To See)

He must have been white. The media doesn’t mention his race.


A man armed with two handguns and a machete has been shot and killed by police inside a northeastern Pennsylvania Walmart store.

Pennsylvania State Police said 20-year-old Andrew Joseph Todd of Mount Bethel was shot on Saturday night when he refused officers’ orders to drop his weapons.

Witnesses told police that he had entered the East Stroudsburg store shortly after 10pm and began threatening customers and pointing a gun at them.

Police arrived and evacuated the store, which officials said had more than 100 customers inside at the time. They then ordered Todd to drop his weapons, The Pocono Record reported.

When he refused and continued pointing a gun at officers, police fired at him, striking him in the chest.

Todd was transported to Pocono Medical Center where he was pronounced dead by the Monroe County coroner.


Wait, let me put on my DumbA$Sh!t proghat. Okay, ready –

Why didn’t they shoot him in the leg?

Why not use beanbags?

They could have evacuated the store and let him starve until he passed out and then they could have arrested him peacefully.

He was just about to enter college.

Cops suck and they enjoyed this.



6 Comments on Lethal Force Used By Police Against 20 Year-Old “Boy” Brandishing Weapon – (Not Black, Move Along, Nothing To See)

  1. He was a Rhodes Scholar who just got a little confused while looking for his Jolly Ranchers?

    Were the guns loaded? Did the cops ask him first?

    Was the machete sharp? Did the cops check?

  2. My goodness. The wife and I vacation in Stroudsburg twice each year and know the area well. We visited this very same Walmart about a month ago because I forgot to pack my swim trunks. Glad the loon was the only one hurt since there are good, helpful people working that store.

  3. The police acted stupidly … what? … white boy? … Oh, forget it … anybody seen Reggie? Time for his bath … Reggie? … C’mon, you little scamp! I’m all greased up and ready to go!

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