Donald Trump has fired his campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, according to two senior aides within the Trump campaign.
News of Lewandowski’s departure was first reported by The New York Times.
“The campaign is grateful to Corey for his hard work and dedication and we wish him the best in the future,” according to a statement from Trump’s spokesperson Hope Hicks.
A senior Trump aide told ABC News that Lewandowski’s firing “was a long time coming” and that the campaign “need[ed] to get everyone on the same page.”
Aides have grown frustrated with the lack of teamwork between Lewandowski and campaign chairman Paul Manafort, who was hired after Lewandowski. The campaign is expected to make other changes including new staff hires in the coming days. Aides also said Trump has “complete confidence” in Manafort.
Lewandowski was fired during a meeting this morning at Trump Tower with the candidate and campaign leadership.
I’ve seen companies go under cause no one had the guts to fire people.
Good for Trump
The same bunch that criticized Trump for not firing him earlier will criticize him for firing him now
Probably cut him loose to firewall Trump from Michelle Field’s lawsuit against Lewandowski. The suit is total crap, but just the kind of distraction the MSM needs to help Hillary.
Thank you Corey for getting us to the bottom of the 9th.
Now to bring in the closer…

time for a quickie tell all book out by mid October
RUT ROH, that is not happening.
Manafort won the power play. Good. Perfect timing for the coming General election.
How can Trump get elected in this political climate without help from mainstream, moderate Republicans and Independents? He has to get his political act together. Time and money are running out. Clinton might lose if the Russians release her missing emails and they implicate her in the Clinton Foundations illegalities and Bengazi coverup. But anyone with a functioning brain knows she’s guilty as hell already, so what will it take to get Trump elected? Maybe three or four more Islamic terrorists attacks. If they happen, Trump has to handle them better than the Orlando massacre.
Wouldn’t one normally just deny reassigning CL to a another division in the Trump dynasty ?
“Now bring in the loser”
marco, the stars are aligning for trump, for the moment
hillary is tepid and boring to the left, and many many bernie voters will not be interested checking the box for hillary
in the meantime, trump’s response to orlando was brilliant and a poignant opportunity to bond some of the lgbt vote
the blacks are worse off under obama and many are wising up, and the good hispanics of this land are victims of the same terrible result of an open southern border
i don’t believe it when i hear that hillary has an automatic advantage
trump’s opportunity at this point is great, and i believe he is playing a smart enough game at them moment to not fuck it up
my apologies for several typos above
I hope you are right, but America-Africans will never leave the Democrat Plantation, and Mexicans and Latinos are not going to vote in large numbers for Trump. This leaves disaffected blue collar Democrats and women who are finally realizing that the economy is destroying their families’ future. Trump can’t afford to alienate any more of them. He is running just like he did during the primaries, and it’s way past time for him to start expanding is appeal.
Hillary will lie and cheat her way to a win, no matter how many vote for ANY Republican candidate. The MSM and the DoJ will help her do it.
Trump reacts to the wind, changes course due to conditions observed.
Exactly what he should do
Backstory here (this has been a very reliable insider source for all the campaigns)
Ol Savage has been saying that Manafort, a Bob Dole guy, has taken the power and is in the process of turning Trump into MITT
Trump doesn’t have to get all the blacks nor all the Mexican nor all the gay nor all the women. Just more than normal.
Also reference the monster vote research at the tree house.