Media Can’t Cover the Bob Menendez Trial Because Trump! – IOTW Report

Media Can’t Cover the Bob Menendez Trial Because Trump!

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: If you didn’t already know about it you’d probably have no idea watching the national media that a sitting Democrat Sleazeball Senator was currently at the center of a massive corruption and bribery trial. That’s because the trial has enjoyed what amounts to a media blackout since it began.

Here’s how the charges were (briefly) laid out by the Washington Post:

Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) was indicted on federal corruption charges Wednesday, accused of using the influence of his office to advance the business interests of a longtime friend and political supporter in exchange for luxury gifts, lavish vacations and more than $750,000 in campaign donations.

The laundry list of Menendez’s ethical issues actually goes a whole lot deeper, since those “lavish vacations” allegedly involved the hiring of prostitutes, said to be underage, in the Dominican Republic.  Virtually no Dem-friendly media outlet has even touched it, ans we all know why. The bias is so obvious that no one seriously tries to deny it anymore.

Still, media hacks like MSNBC’s overly wound-tight Larry O’Donnell occasionally try to pretend they’re doing their best to cover these sorts of stories. According to O’Donnell, they simply can’t.

The reason? Donald Trump. It’s seems Trump is so awful that they have no choice but to ignore Democrat corruption.

 read the rest here

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