Nebraska Democrat Calls GOP Assassination Attempt ‘Funny’ – IOTW Report

Nebraska Democrat Calls GOP Assassination Attempt ‘Funny’

Just two days after a left-wing lunatic savagely attacked a republican baseball game near the nation’s capital, a liberal democrat official from Nebraska is calling the mass assassination attempt “funny,” adding she’s “having a hard time feeling bad for them.”

Chair of the Nebraska Democratic Party’s Black Caucus, Chelsey Gentry-Tipton, weighed-in on the tragedy using her social media account, poking fun at emotional republicans in the immediate aftermath of the incident.

“Watching the congressman crying on live tv abt the trauma they experienced. Y is this so funny tho?” she wrote. “The very people that push pro NRA legislation in efforts to pad their pockets with complete disregard for human life. Yeah, having a hard time feeling bad for them.”

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29 Comments on Nebraska Democrat Calls GOP Assassination Attempt ‘Funny’

  1. Last year we saw Donald Trump reach out to the Black Community with the facts about what over half a century of living on the democRAT plantation has done for them and got a lot of support for it. Creatures like this are part of “a certain class
    of ‘race-problem solvers’ who don’t want the patient to get well.”

  2. “Perceived to be offensive.” More subjective truth from progressive idiots. No, honey, your words weren’t perceived to be offensive, they were offensive, as you intended them to be.

    In her defense, she must be in tremendous, constant agony. It must be physically painful to be that stupid.

  3. Remember…the goal of all leftist outrage and offense-taking is to narrow the parameters of what is offensive FOR EVERYONE to precisely and only that which offends THEM. More people are catching on to this mindscam but they’ve been incrementally succeeding at this for 70+ years. It’s still uphill.

    On the upside…lest they repent ALL hypocrites (lit., “two-faced pretenders”) WILL have their place in the YouKnow Where. God Himself says nothing less than that will be justice, and I’m fine with that.

    *sips coffee*

  4. As Chairman of the White Caucus F Off!
    Listening to liberals talk about human life when they all support abortion I mean MURDER!

  5. Sooo, in the bad past, the women who looked like she would “pass”.
    Getting a job in a ‘white’ establishment was better than the alternatives.
    Playing off their Caucasian features, looking for a better future, cannot blame them.
    Racheal, Sean, Chelsey, black posers, they don’t do it to get better employment.
    Today, she goes out of her way to be ‘black’, proud and offensive.
    Tell me again how much blacks are ‘oppressed’.
    I too have a dream Dr. King, I too.
    Hey Chelsey, know any funny jokes about the death toll in Baltimore and Chitcago?

  6. Yanno’, in the past I’ve had a hand in rendering first aid and some trauma maintenance in automobile crashes. I have some training that makes me kind of handy at that. This right here, what she said, may cause me to look at the bumper stickers at the next mangled lump of steel and plastic I drive up on.

    Perhaps I should take her lead, and look for the humor in the situation.

    But, no, I couldn’t. I’m just not the blistered asshole she seems to be. If you’re in trouble, broken and bleeding, scared shitless and in shock, gonna’ do all I know to help. I don’t give a phuck who you voted for.

  7. Hey hon, gun control was initially put in place to keep blacks from being able to defend themselves against the Democratic conjured KKK.

    Are you proclaiming that we need more gun control, and if so, doesn’t that make you a traitor by default to your own race?

    What difference, at this point, does it make? Right?

  8. Every time a liberal opens his or her mouth to speak, they confirm again and again that liberalism really is a mental disorder. We really don’t need more gun control. Hasn’t worked. What we need is liberal control legislation to stop the spread of this horrible disease that has griped so many in our country. Forget cancer research; we need committed men and women to find the cure for liberalism. Maybe we need granny from the Beverly Hillbillies to put them to work.

  9. There really was a good reason why the word “nigger” was invented. The subculture of blacks whom that word describes are not civilized and never will be. They will be a hazard to our republic for as long as they exist here.

  10. This is an argument for why 17 year olds should not be allowed to vote. We have too much brainless blabbing and emotionally motivated posing already. Case in point.

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