Not the Onion – Bill Cosby To Hit Lecture Circuit Teaching How To Avoid Sexual Assault – IOTW Report

Not the Onion – Bill Cosby To Hit Lecture Circuit Teaching How To Avoid Sexual Assault

This is the funniest joke Cosby has told in years.


Bill Cosby wants to spread the word to young people about sexual assault  … how to avoid being accused of it. Cosby’s spokespeople, Andrew Wyatt and Ebonee Benson, told “Good Day Alabama” Wednesday the comedian is planning a series of town halls this summer to educate young people about sexual assault.More specifically, they say he’s planning on teaching ’em how to look out for warning signs from potential victims and accusations that could follow.

Wyatt says Cosby’s gonna start his new tour of sorts in July, explaining that young people — especially athletes — need to “know what they’re facing when they’re hanging out and partying, when they’re doing certain things they shouldn’t be doing.”

24 Comments on Not the Onion – Bill Cosby To Hit Lecture Circuit Teaching How To Avoid Sexual Assault

  1. When I was a kid I had, and memorized, pretty much every Cosby album from the ’60s and ’70s. Lost all respect for him since the revelations that he’s always been a moral dirtbag, as is his wife, who smilingly put up with decades of adultery.

    But I do not believe what he engaged in was ever rape, much less sexual assault, simply because (a) a half-billionaire like himself simply doesn’t need to resort to it, and (b) he enjoyed the Quaalude ’70s too much — the frame of reference around that practice changed before he realized it, and what once was consensual behavior (not condoning it, mind you) was suddenly and easily reframed as rape. Plus, (c) the timing…this all really hit the fan when he went off the plantation a few years back.

    He’s a dirtbag who they tried to railroad, and that is not justice even though he is a dirtbag.

  2. “Sleeping With Nearly Dead Women” by Doctor Huxtable

    “I Screwed Them My Way” by Bill Cosby

    “Wake Up! Wake Up! Your Taxi’s Here!” by Doctor William Cosby, PhD

  3. I really don’t care what Cosby is accused of, or whether or not he did it. The man’s good at his job – being funny – so that’s all that matters. As long as he keeps doing what he’s doing for me, he can bang all the chicks he wants. Besides, he’s a celebrity, so you know they want it anyway.

    Democrats taught me this, ain’t that right WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON?

  4. A good friend of mine worked for Harrahs Casino in Reno, Nevada, parking cars when Cosby was appearing at Harrahs. Half his act was about his wife and family and fatherhood. My friend told me years ago that Cosby never failed to show up without a female companion in the back seat of the limo whenever he was arriving for his show. Everyone who worked there marveled at his sincere hypocrisy when he performed his act as America’s most beloved father. Little did they know how many women he was really performing for at the time.

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