Seriously Pissed Off – IOTW Report

Seriously Pissed Off


h/t Doc.

15 Comments on Seriously Pissed Off

  1. In an increasingly secularized society, we’ll all be pissed; the “wrongers” beliefs of self justification can’t be fed enough to sustain itself, and the “righters” pissed that being robbed via undue taxation on them to fund it.

  2. I’m back, I had a lot to be PO’d about the past few days due to our record windstorm Tuesday in the Spokane area. But I’m thankful for the electricity and heat being back on now. We spent 3 very cold nights in the dark and 2 nights at my son’s house since he had power. We lost our power at 5:45 PM Tuesday night and didn’t get it back on till today around noon. A large blue spruce fell across the power line in my alley taking out power to my entire neighborhood. There were about 100,000 to up around 200,000 people without power at the height of the power outage and probably at least 50,000 are still without power as of tonight. We only lost one tree in my yard, a crummy black locust that fell just barely into the street but it tore up my sidewalk so the City cleanup crews removed it Friday afternoon. I’m lucky as there still many people without power for another day or two till the line crews (there are about 100 or more line crews working 24/7 to restore power) can restore power because of heavy damage from falling trees and damaged power lines. I can’t believe the size of some of these huge pine trees (some were 100 ft. or taller) that were knocked over by winds at approx. 70+ mph late Tuesday. Some one said around here in our local paper with all the trees down and smashed houses and cars and 2 people were killed by falling trees that we were living in a post apocalyptic area with out the zombies. It’s quite a mess around here and will be for a while. It’s been a long week and I’m glad it didn’t happen during Thanksgiving week.

  3. As an adjuster I feel for you, man. Dealing without power is rough.
    Food spoilage is something the insurance companies sometimes pay for. Take pics of the open fridge or the pile of what has to be thrown out.
    Good luck.

  4. Welcome back, geoff!

    I’m glad I live in a community with buried power lines. But I still don’t understand why we loose power during a bright, sunny non-weather related incident. Go figure.

    And as for the post, I have been finding myself being pissed more over these last 6-7 years then ever before. Think it has something to do with Obama??

  5. why we loose power << lose power

    You lose power because you are "downstream" from the power supply – very possibly a construction crew, with or with out utility locating markings on the appropriate area tore through a supply line with a backhoe, ditchwitch, etc.
    This summer, I lost my 3Mg/sec fiber optic about every three weeks, for 3-15 hours each time.

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  1. Cartoon Of The Day: Pissed Off - Common Sense Evaluation

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