Surely There is a Manhunt For This “Guest” in Paddock’s Suite – IOTW Report

Surely There is a Manhunt For This “Guest” in Paddock’s Suite

The above receipt shows that room service delivered a food order to TWO people in Paddock’s room.

One last point of outrage here.

An Angus burger is $26 at Mandalay Bay??????!!!????

We might’ve uncovered a motive!

69 Comments on Surely There is a Manhunt For This “Guest” in Paddock’s Suite

  1. Paddock was probably dead 2 days before the incident took place. All this is and ever will be is punishment for mocking Hillary’s big book of excuses. The fact that she tweeted about silencers and the NRA after the fact is all the proof I need. The DNC needed something like this to try and bring back any relevance they ever had.

  2. Frankly, I am of the mind that this receipt means nothing.
    Could be the way the receipt is generated based on how he checked in. He might’ve had a “working woman” in the room.
    Could say “guests” because it’s a suite.
    Anything is possible.

    I post it because my beliefs might not be in accordance with the readers and they deserve the platform.

    The check-in date, if accurate, is more compelling.
    But I wouldn’t say that the “police are lying” without having proof that they are lying.

    ‘Source” at MB.
    No name.
    I require more.
    It was the standard I held for those fucktards that made the “Loose Change” video.
    And I can’t shake the fact that I am linking to the main Fucktard on 911 conspiracy theories- Alex Jones.

    I like Paul Joseph Watson. Without him there I wouldn’t link to IW.

  3. It doesn’t, in my opinion.
    The receipt says 2 guests. If you believe the receipt than this proves there was two people in the room.

    I’m just posting the “compelling evidence” of a conspiracy that is currently lighting up Twitter.

    I would just as soon not post about this at all at this point.
    It is getting silly.

  4. Agreed BFH, it’s no smoking gun, just another dot to connect. And it may be completely irrelevant very soon…

    ABC News tweets: Leaving for Vegas, Pres. Trump says it’s a “sad day for me, personally,” adding more to be revealed about gunman “at the appropriate time.”

  5. Just Sayin, they include a HUGE fee already.
    Only suckers tip on top of that.
    (BTW, I’m not black)

    I maintain that the reason he went off is because of the “Resort Fee” they tack onto every room in Las Vegas.
    Most people want to do harm after they see that.

  6. I’m not sure why this scenario is implausible-

    Guy books a room at a hotel because he plans on shooting up a crowd of people from his hotel room.
    He stockpiles the room, over the course of a few days, with all of his guns and ammo.
    Concert starts, he blows out two windows and fires on the crowd, killing and maiming people.
    Shoots himself.

    Why is this impossible?

    So far it’s impossible because-
    “I see shots being fired from the 4th floor. Forget that the glass isn’t broken and the windows don’t open. That ruins my narrative.”

    “The audio of the bullet rate doesn’t match what I think the guy had in his room.”

    “The guy dead on the floor looks like he has different ear lobes than the other pictures I saw of him. which are at a completely different angle.”

    “There were other 911 calls in Vegas around the time of the shooting. Which shouldn’t be happening in Vegas, a quaint town of 3,000 God Fearing folk.”

    “He might’ve checked in 3 days earlier than what the police said, because if the police said he checked in when he actually checked in, the entire conspiracy begins to unravel!!”

    “His receipt says 2 guests.”


    The only thing, so far, that I find intriguing is the nutcase that was in the crowd beforehand announcing that “everyone is going to die.”
    I want to know more about this angle.

    The other stuff?
    Not at all compelling.

  7. Every time there is a terror incident anywhere, there are always multiple people committing violence at multiple locations nearby, until suddenly there is just that one guy and his gun/truck/bomb. For a while, I believed that the “others” were escaping to fight again. Now I realize that almost all of them are creations from the minds of panicked, stressed humans. Las Vegas is nothing but a city of illusion, and it is only fitting that the most fantastic terror scenarios seem completely plausible among the flashing lights and loud noises in the nighttime desert sky. Now comes the scene where the harsh light of day burns away the illusion.

  8. It is an odd meal for one, burger with bagel and potato soup.

    $26 for a burger, $12 for soup plus an additional $2 for potato and $10 for bottled water. Expensive room service.

    I saw an internal memo the other day where the CEO was matching donations to groups such as NAACP, SPLC and CAIR, so I guess he needs those profits to fund groups that hate America.

  9. Just Sayin October 4, 2017 at 9:58 am

    Not much of a tipper for a high roller

    In an interview video I saw yesterday of his brother (Interview #2), a reporter asked him how his brother got all those guns up to the room by himself. The brother boasted, “Oh my brother didn’t carry anything, he handed the bell boy $100 tip, and no questions asked. So, when he wants something he’s a big tipper. His brother ought to keep his mouth shut, he was portraying his brother as a big spender, wealthy, “he made me very wealthy” types of boasts.

    As for the receipts, it doesn’t mean anything. He could of had a prostitute in the room with him for one last blow job.

  10. Simple explination, he checked in stating the room was for him and his girlfriend (2 guests show up on the database, double occupancy). Doesn’t mean she has to be there either.

  11. When I first found out about 9/11 the towers were already both down.
    I was part of a golf tournament and we weren’t allowed cell phones.

    When some guy told us the Twin Towers were down I got out my hidden illegal cell phone and called my now ex-wife.
    She told me that in addition to the towers being down that the Sears Tower in Chicago had been attacked and was on fire, and the White House was attacked and we were officially at war.

    What does this mean?
    During a crisis a lot of false info is believed and repeated.
    Some people just simply make the stuff up so they can be an important part of an important event. Some people cannot stand to be minimized by events bigger than them, so they will inject themselves into the story in a big way.

    This behavior mimics the original madman/men in a sad and twisted way.

  12. charlie walksonwater October 4, 2017 at 10:17 am

    i know someone who could eat both those orders, then order desert.

    In an interview with the baristas at Starbucks, the shooter was a big guy and had a beer belly. They also noted he was an asshole and was mean to his girlfriend. His brother bragged how the two of them had sushi at The Wynn and spent “thousands” of dollars eating sushi all paid for on comps. The only thing his brother had to pay for was the tip. So, sounds like he’s a big eater. Not buying there were two people in the room doing the shooting. His brother bragged again that his brother didn’t need any help, his brother was smart, a genius. Then he went on to say “He was just a guy, I’m just a guy.” His brother IMHO is psycho too, it’s in their DNA.

  13. Mooch,
    what stinks, exactly?

    I’m not asking combatively, or with bad intent.
    I want to know what people think “stinks” about the story and why it can’t be a guy stockpiled a room with weapons and shot up a concert and killed himself.

  14. Internet detectives.

    That’ll end well.

    The irony of course is most of the Internet detectives who are rushing out these half-baked stories are the same people who scream the loudest over mainstream news outlets getting stories wrong.

    I just wish the Grassy Knoll Brigade would stand down and let the police do their job.

  15. All I know is that now they —Hollywood and Europeans are demanding “gun control AND universal healthcare” in America, do we can prove to the world that we’re “civilized.”
    They don’t miss a beat.

  16. “What does setting fire to the room to help the left enact gun control?”

    I was agreeing with you Blanco.
    I just went the extra mile, playing the conspiracy theorist role, and paranoidly (??) implied the lack of the fire proves it was just an operation to disparage guns.

    The joke didn’t land. Forget it.

  17. Dianny.

    The thing is, it is fun to play detective. It really, really is.
    But it’s a game that can be extremely dangerous and irresponsible.

    i know first hand.
    One of my crackpot theories after the Boston Marathon terror attack ended up being posted in the NY Post and it impacted an innocent family.

  18. I agree, Fur.

    It’s also a game that ends up discrediting the new media.

    What grates my cheese are so-called new media “journalists” are the ones discrediting it.

    This eager-beaver relentlessness to be the one to scoop everyone else is resulting in far-fetched, outlandish conspiracy theories that make it look like new media is made up of a bunch of kooks.

  19. I;m not sure about anything when it comes to this guy. The only thing I’m sure have is for the first time in 1 hundred years you have a President that is more likely to tell the American people the truth when the investigation (as long as it’s not corrupted) is complete.

  20. All this conjecture about receipts, how much money he had, possible motive, etc, etc, is all white noise to me.

    What is not white noise is cycle time of the guns used and the recorded audio. What appears to be a suppressed weapon being fire from a much closer location. And the fact that this guy was supposedly raining down bullet on the crowd for 10 minutes at night and nobody could identify his location. Weird.

  21. Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer, a CIA-trained intelligence operative, says the motive is right in front of us. Paddock chose a group perceived to be pro-gun, pro-Trump, conservatives, and it is now a feature of the Left to push violence as a legitimate response (antifa). D’Souza talks about this a lot because it is the Left’s most recent “Big Lie” that they are the anti-fascists and everyone else (the Right and conservatives) are the fascists. D’Souza’s (and our) bigger fear is that people holding a position of public authority — governors, mayors, police chiefs, university professors — are reinforcing this idea through their sympathy toward and even membership with antifa extremist organizations like BAMN (see mayor of Berkeley, for example).

    I said before that I believe Paddock purposely chose this country music festival because of the perceived values of the audience and that the extent of the carnage shows he thought that what he was doing would be for the greater good of something bigger than himself; that he bought in to the Left’s propaganda that Trump and conservatives are evil akin to Hitler. That Paddock and Hodkinson share some similar characteristics didn’t escape me, either. Think of the character in Network; a past-middle-age, frustrated man who has not very much, really, for all his years, who sees a way to “make a difference” and gets caught up in the twisted majesty of “fighting the good fight.”

    Add to that, Paddock, a bit of a “high stakes” guy, has to do it up big. He planned it all out, built his own gun stands, stock-piled his weapons and ammo and carried it out.

    That’s how I see it, anyway.

    Here’s the video of Shaffer:

  22. Renting the second, adjoining room at a later date would easily explain how he was able to hide the arsenal.
    He simply put out the “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door with the guns.
    As to why he didn’t get them both at the same time, perhaps it wasn’t available.

  23. “Renting the second, adjoining room at a later date would easily explain how he was able to hide the arsenal.”

    Supposedly, those rooms are booked months in advance. I know, more white noise. If that’s true how did he pull that off?

  24. Back in my college days, I worked in room service for a large hotel. We did have computer ordering and the person who answered the phone would add the number of guests not necessarily based upon a question but usually on the order. This is used by whoever sets up the tray for delivery. If someone ordered two cokes or a few appetizers I would put down at least two guests. No-one wants to run back up to the 32nd floor for an angry customer with an extra set of silverware.

    Now I read somewhere that he videotaped himself in the act. That would sure answer a lot of questions unless maybe he also rented a film studio like they did for the moon landing.

  25. “Supposedly, those rooms are booked months in advance. I know, more white noise. If that’s true how did he pull that off?”

    In the good old days, the Press dug around alongside law enforcement and revealed true info contemporaneously. Now, no one wants to talk (liability exposure) and law enforcement wants to hoard all the data and only release to the public what they deem appropriate. That’s bad but also necessary, I understand.

    How many times have cases been prosecuted in court, or retried, and come to find the real story was supressed, or LEOs or prosecutors LIED? A small percentage but it’s happened–DNA evidence has exhonerated many innocents.

    It would be ideal if the hotel released all pertinent surveillance video now, and all hotel staff as well as concert attendees who saw things, spoke directly to the world on camera, without the Fake News media or the sometimes incompetent LEO organizations filtering everything. That’s in bizarro utopiaville, I know.

    But in a world full of mendacity, that’s why you get conspiracy theorists, and tell-all book profiteers and the rest of the circus of merd we live in.

  26. Humans make the worst witnesses. We all see the same things differently, that’s why cops hate interviewing witnesses. And it’s human nature to speculate. I’ve been doing it myself, and I usually consider myself pretty sane.

    I think we’re all trying to make sense out of something that makes no sense.

    I don’t trust law enforcement, the FBI or the government to tell us the truth about anything. Their track record on terrorism of late (thanks Comey) has been pretty abysmal.

  27. Kat — You make a great point about the FBI, especially since they’ve already been proved to be politicized in favor of the Left (Democrats), whether it concerns terrorism or anything else.

    I do believe, however, that as nonsensical as this atrocity seems, there will be a string of facts that will illuminate the reason for it. I hope the elephant in the room is acknowledged because I honestly think the guy did it for the same reason Hodgkinson targeted the Republican baseball practice. There has been little to no acknowledgement that the Left is working very hard to legitimize violence as a proper and preemptive response to those they call fascists.

  28. Combat Veterans on Face Book have been calling Bull Shit from the time this occurred saying there’s no way he could even breath in the space firing that many rounds. I report, you decide.

  29. @Kat: I was recently on a jury and the defense brought in a professor from the University of Nevada – a professor of psychology. She was an expert on mistaken identity. We were shown pictures of people wearing hoodies and how they looked alike with the hoods on, when the hoods were removed, they of course looked different. So what was the truth? The truth was, the guy was guilty, more than 2 people identified him positively, both from a picture via a CHP officer and via going to where the CHP was and positively identifying the guy.

    I don’t trust the FBI. They were too quick to say he didn’t have ISIS ties, yet it’s taking months to discover if the Russians were involved in the election, and they still haven’t reached a conclusion. I think this whole situation stinks and we may never know the real truth about this wacko shooter. I betcha anything his girlfriend hightails out of the States for good.

  30. The guy couldn’t have shot that many rounds in the room and breathe.
    Okay. And??

    What is the purpose of making it look like all the shooting was coming from this particular room when it was coming from another (where, apparently, the shooter could breathe.)?

    I need this to be explained in order to go down these roads of internet sleuthing that are illogical.

    A shooter from that building could apparently breathe and shoot off all those rounds, because it happened.
    But maybe they knew it would be hard to breathe so they had gas masks, which begs the question – “why didn’t they put a gas mask with Paddock?”
    They are smart enough to know what to do, but too dumb to fool amateur detectives on the internet.

    This is like Loose Change all over again.

  31. I find it extremely hard to believe that these conspirators put the wrong guns in the room with Paddock.

    I would think that conspirators, at the very least, would safely assume that a goodly amount of the bullets recovered from the victims would be run through forensics.

    If they don’t match any of the guns in Paddock’s room what we have here is the worst team of false flaggers in the history of false flags.

    Common sense.

  32. My sentiments exactly, Fur. The worst math ever for not adding up.

    Maybe the decades of blatant lying by pols with no consequences is a factor here. IWO, the era of “facts don’t really matter any more, just what’s printed”?

  33. This shadow government, which is responsible for every big tragedy, is weirdly inconsistent.
    The took down the Twin Towers and blamed the Muslims.
    Muslim savagery has led to Trump wanting to keep the Muslims out- which is not very left-wing.

    However, the other operations the shadow government have pulled off are very left-wing, designed to take our guns away.

    I haven’t figured out yet what the shadow government is up to… seems dissonant.

  34. “This shadow government, which is responsible for every big tragedy, is weirdly inconsistent.”

    The disconnect between you and I is I think your focused on motive, I’m not. I’m just saying theirs shit here that doesn’t fit. PERIOD. I’ve had the opportunity to shoot in a couple shoot house and with comparatively little ammo being discharged in does effect you respiration. Like it or not, it a legit point.

    Nice little cheer leader you picked up there.

  35. Bad_Brad, the antifa assholes are pretty resourceful in creating devices which allow them to breathe in noxious air. Maybe Paddock rigged up some gas mask he found on an antifa website. Or maybe he was so whacked out on his meds he didn’t feel his burning lungs. He only shot for ten minutes, with some pretty long intervals between firing. Maybe there was a stiff breeze up there which was clearing the air through the gaping holes in the windows. I don’t think anything he did was superhuman. The horrific results just make it seem that way.

  36. Fur, I don’t see any inconsistency or dissonance in such actions…IF:
    and it’s a big IF…the objective is to move the USA to a one-world/global government.
    e.g. 9/11 brought us more State surveillance.

    That 15 years of muzzie rampage that brought us Trump?
    PHHHT. Doesn’t matter to their end objective.
    Road bumps of all sorts are meant to be rolled over.

    You could just as well throw in the JFK assassination into the mix.
    Wouldn’t change a thing.

    I am NOT saying this is a good thing. TO THE CONTRARY.
    I only wish to address the suggestion that there are inconsistencies/dissonant actions on their part.

  37. Two things only seem odd to me. One, simple, firing off that many rounds does result in a LOT of smoke. A lot. Smoke detectors and breathing would be affected. Second, the need to have SO MANY guns. The ammo I understand – but that many guns? The only reason I can figure for that number of firearms is that the guns would get hot fast, so he’d have to change out – right? But he KNEW, had to anyway, that he couldn’t go on very long at all once he began as people on the ground could see where the shots came from. The rest can have very plausible explanations – the food order though, IS a little odd. Mainly due to the combination of foods in that order. Unless he meant to have some as a snack later, that sort of thing.

  38. @moochoman: You said, “We probably know more about the Kennedy assignation than we will ever learn about this shooting.”

    I started to correct you by saying, “Don’t you really mean, ‘assassination‘?”

    Then I remembered Marilyn Monroe.

    I think maybe we should let that one stand.


  39. The room service receipt doesn’t do anything for me. I had a friend who would bet the cashier at MacDonald’s that he could eat the food he was buying before he received his change. Never saw him lose. One person could eat that.
    The sounds of the guns suggests more than one firing at a time, for me at least. And there are pictures of windows not in place in that building. Maybe they were being replaced, but they weren’t there.
    What puzzles me is- in the pic of paddock dead, the suicide gun is shown. Is that a shell casing resting on the gun, and if so, how did it get there? This I don’t understand.
    And I hope he is burning in hell, even as this is figured out.

  40. Apparently there was video of him gambling there with a female OTHER than his Filipina roommate. Perhaps this was the “guest”. I’m going to go out on a teeny tiny limb and say “working girl”. After all….this IS Vegas.

  41. No bacon on the burger – absolute proof that ragheads are involved.

    No pork products – AT ALL! SEE? See how that works?

    I can’t imagine anyone going through a meal without SOME pork!

    Bacon on the burger; bacon bits in the potato soup; Canadian bacon on the bagel; SOMETHING!

    izlamo delenda est …

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