The City Made ‘Dangerous’ Admissions About Faith in the Workplace, Atlanta Fire Chief Lawyer Says – IOTW Report

The City Made ‘Dangerous’ Admissions About Faith in the Workplace, Atlanta Fire Chief Lawyer Says

DailySignal: The city of Atlanta made “dangerous” admissions in a court hearing today, argued the lawyer for the former Atlanta fire chief who was terminated from his job after controversy related to a religious book he authored that included his views on homosexuality.

Atlanta firechief


[…] In January 2015, Cochran was fired after publishing and distributing a men’s devotional book for a Baptist church group. In the book, “Who Told You That You Were Naked?,” Cochran addressed issues of homosexuality, gay marriage, and premarital sex from a biblical perspective.

Cochran gave his book to some of his subordinates and fellow employees, all of whom Cochran previously told The Daily Signal he had “established a prior relationship with as believers in Christ.” Eventually, according to court documents, a copy of the book made its way from an employee of the Atlanta Fire and Rescue Department to City Councilmember Alex Wan, who is openly gay.  More here

7 Comments on The City Made ‘Dangerous’ Admissions About Faith in the Workplace, Atlanta Fire Chief Lawyer Says

  1. In a sane world the DA would charge Wan and the mayor with a hate crime and the FBI pursue them for denying civil rights under color of law.
    This kind of corruption needs to end, and making a couple of high profile examples would put the brakes on fast.

  2. Ah, the leftist mentality – it makes no difference what you do, how you act or what you write, unless WE disagree.

    Though I hate our litigious society mentality, I hope he sues and wins this – people are pushing back against the encroachment on our rights – I repeat OUR RIGHTS.

  3. “…when you’re a city employee, and those thoughts, beliefs and opinions are different from the city’s, you have to check them at the door.”

    That statement makes it sound like the city has established a religion. How does that square with the establishment clause of Amendment 1 of the US Constitution?

  4. How is it that an infinitesimally small percentage of the population (LGBT) has gained so much power over us? They claim discrimination and then discriminate against us. They can whine, cry, bitch and moan all they want, but the fact of the matter is that there IS something wrong with these people. Whatever it is they just ain’t right.

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